51 degrees this morning, walk 39:13 minutes
Listening to “Wild” this morning, the story of a women who walked the Pacific Crest Trail by herself. After a significant amount of background and flashbacks as to why she attempted it, she is now in her first days on the trail.
I read a little bit about the Pacific Crest Trail and the entries mentioned about how the trail became a lot more popular after the book (and movie) was released.
I can’t believe anyone would be attracted to walking the trail (or rather “hiking the trail”) after reading the book, so they must have been attracted after seeing a sanitized version on the movie!
She very explicitly goes into the rigors of the trail and some of the experiences she had that could happen to anyone who attempted to hike the trail. Of course, after I finish the book, I may understand.
Of course, a lot of problem now is “over information”. As an example, I “followed” several “sites (circles or collections) on subjects or products on Google +. I was quickly overwhelmed with posts on the subject, mostly trivial or snide conversation. I quickly canceled my subscriptions!
There probably is a way I could have adjusted settings on them, but I decided it would be just as easy to do a search on the subject and keep up just as well, without annoying posts I had no interest in.
This (I think, November) is “write a novel”month.I always think I will try it, but I probably won’t. I never really had any desire to write a novel or fiction.
I did write a fiction story once and submitted it to a contest and got “Honorable Mention”. Actually, it was difficult to write a fiction story, but there is a certain framework you follow that I expect it becomes a lot easier as you proceed.
Maybe I will try it this year.
I noticed that I have a certain pattern on my daily postings, as far as how much I write. It isn’t hard and fast, I just figure no one will read it if I make it any longer!
I have also thought of just writing a certain number of minutes on this daily entry for this blog, but I probably won’t try that, although I think I will see how much time I spend on it.
I actually save this daily posting to a “blog e-mail” account in addition to the blogs I post i on.
Katherine and Kali (my granddaughters) are the ages I remember well, and I recognize some aspects of that age well.
Of course I think children/teenagers have it a lot harder than I did when I was growing up, although I recognize a lot of the feelings and actions.
I mentioned to Katherine last night that, for her, cell phones, computers, terrorism etc. has always existed since she grew up with it as a natural thing.
I don’t know if I am glad or sorry I didn’t have computers when I was a child. One thing I did have when I was a child was a lot of time to explore and read.
Not having television etc., I did read a lot of things I doubt that I would read and a lot of “exploring” I wouldn’t have done if I had had computers, cell phones, the internet, television etc. Not necessarily good or bad, but it would have been a lot different!
That’s it for now, Thursday, October 29, 2015.
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