66 degrees this morning Walk 38:36 minutes
Temperature this morning was medium, but it seemed a lot colder because of the high winds. Even at this temperature, it seemed to blow the cold into your bones.
Thought is had started to rain right after my walk, but apparently was just the wind through the trees.
About mid-October, if I remember correctly, the wind and cold wind would knock the rest of the turning leaves off the trees.
However, unless I completely missed it (always a possibility!), the leaves haven’t even turned that much, much less any possibility of all the leaves getting knocked off.
Friday already! Somehow the week seemed slow, but also fast. Listening to my “shuffle songs” I have heard it described as “living fast forward”, and “living life in stereo”
I also hear some tunes that may be just as well forgotten, for example “May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Noise”. Of course, guess which songs I get in my head!
I am currently on song 250 of 6,544.
Getting in the habit of swimming, just like I do walking, which is good (I think). I missed the first several days this week and really f let it. I walk 7 days a week (unless it is raining etc.) and swim probably 3 or 4 times per week out of a possible five times per week.
The only thing I don’t like about swimming is that fist cold blasĂ© you feel getting into the pool! Of course, if it was warm enough to feel comfortable getting in, it would be too warm to swim!
I read with interest about the “software upgrade” on the Telsa cars (at least some) that will lead to possible “auto driving”
Maybe my thoughts over 50 years ago, after seeing the advertisement of a car driving down the road with no driver etc. will become true in my lifetime!
Of course, at the time, I thought I may not have to worry about driving since by the time I got to the age I could drive (the old age of 16), all the cars would be driverless! Missed it by a few year!
Of course, when you read the fine print, it is “auto assist”, which is available on a lot of cars.
Another dream, this one again after my “post nap:
1015 15 Thursday Dream
Dreamed I was in the house of friends in Lakeland playing cards or some kind of game.
At one point, I walked through the house and couldn’t get back to the card game, it was so big. I kept walking around and couldn’t find the game.
At another point in the dream I was part of a group (or something) that went places on a bus, actually a regular school bus. Apparently part of a church group or something like that (not a Senior Citizen Group, it included all ages)
There was a steep hill the bus went down, at one point there was suddenly construction n in the middle of the road and we had to take a detour.
The people in the bus went “o hoo hoo” and enjoyed the fast bus as it went downhill and careened through the detour.
Don’t remember much else, except when lost in the house, I could hear the cards shuffling and was scared I’d get in trouble for being late.
That’s it for now, Friday, October 16, 2015
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