78 degrees this morning, walk 41:59 minutes
Seems almost cool this morning, even during the first phases of my walk, before I started sweating.
A full moon (or close to it) this morning. Noted it during my walk, can’t see it from my patio due to the trees.
It is still pretty much of a “dark sky” out here yet. I can see the stars, which is nice.
I noticed a skunk during my walk yesterday morning. I didn’t look too close, but I saw enough of a white stripe to assume it is a skunk. Also, there was a “scent” in the air during various parts of my walk to indicate skunks are around. Hopefully just the 4 legged variety.
Still trying to determine an exercise pattern, in addition to what I do in the morning already (walk, sit-ups and some barbell exercises, not much). My dilemma is I like to shower after my first activity in the morning, so i can enjoy my journal writing, nap, breakfast etc. with some degree of feeling clean.
The logical thing would be to do my exercise, etc. and then shower etc. right before I start work. Sometimes logical just doesn’t work.
It kind of boils down to the daily papers again. They just come too late to fit into my daily schedule, so I probably will need to go ahead and start the “electronic” newspapers so I can read them anytime I want.
I would like to incorporate bicycle riding as a regular activity, I may start it several times a week and somehow tie in swimming at the YMCA also. Anyway I’m sure I will work it out.
One thing I really enjoyed about China was the feeling that I was “a day ahead” of activities in the United States . (For example, the stock market would close for what is Monday in the United States on Sunday evening in China, or something like that.)
Obviously it is just a trick of perspective, but it was fun to think about being a day ahead of the actual events!
I can only call the planners in this city (for residential subdivisions) “unimaginative” at minimum and negligent is probably a better description. To allow “cookie cutter” subdivisions (narrow streets, small lots, an inadequate park on waste ground, inadequate stormwater plan, HOA burdened with what the City should be paying for, lack of commercial buffering etc.) is simply not good for the community.
Top it off with allowing literally hundreds of apartments in small areas without any street expansion or park space and you are looking at developing some real problems. So much for planning.
Then I go a half-mile east and see landscaped commercial areas, walking trails and bicycle paths, a variety of lot sizes and houses, large recreational areas etc. Maybe it would have been worth it to pay more money, who knows. Of course, they also have severe traffic problems etc.
Field day today. It is getting toward the end of the month so I am currently mainly on either my real problems or just mopping up what tasks are left, so to speak.
Next Monday or Tuesday, I will get a whole load of tasks again, so the fun begins. I really enjoy the experience of string on a whole new group of tasks, especially if the previous month is either resolved or at least stabilized!
That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 29, 2015.
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