79 degrees this morning. (estimated): 41:29 minute walk (regular route, forgot to stop timer)
Another Family Reunion completed. It was a lot of fun and enjoyable to catch up and have the chance to visit with everyone and have some new experiences.
I don’t know that I will ever go back to Lindsborg, Kansas, but I will have fond memories of it both as a result of my experiences there, and that I appreciate a community and city which obviously cares about the community. To get results like Lindsborg has takes a lot of work and cooperation by all parts of the community, especially the business community, city and volunteer organizations.
Family reunions are somewhat like markers (probably not the right word) in my life as I notice the generational changes,as well as the major changes and minor changes that comprise our lives.
It was a surprisingly different experience to take the comparable short drive from where we currently live compared to the drive from Memphis.
It seems like I have been gone a lot more than three days (actually only 1 or maybe 1 1/4 days of work), although not being here on the weekend, I also note the omission of the regular weekend routine.
Today I will be catching up on returning phone calls and e-mails from when I was gone and also catching p on some paperwork. This week has a couple of administrative matters in it, one today and one Wednesday.
Had a very enjoyable walk yesterday morning in Lindsborg. The weather was perfect and it was nice to have some good o=conversation while walking. I hadn’t walked in the daylight for a long time (other than the day before!), so that also was nice.
It was a different experience to walk in the daylight versus my normal walk in the dark, more than I realized it would be.
While I am able to catch the top news while I am at the Family Reunion, I normally don’t read a newspaper, watch tv news etc, so I basically just skim the news on my iPad or iPhone, I don’t miss it since too many other things are going on, but I always welcome the opportunity to catch up and read the news again.
I have been debating what news I should continue reading. It seems like reading the newspaper takes a lot of time. I think about that, and then I think, if I enjoy it, so what? So the internal debate continues on how best to spend limited time, and if reading a daily newspaper (well, several daily newspapers) is worth the time or not.
Anyway, so it is a good opportunity to see how I feel about not reading a daily newspaper. However, as I mentioned, it really isn’t the same, since so much else is going on, and I”m not in my normal routine.
Nice to be out on my back patio again in the early morning.
Just thinking, 42 years ago, I got out of the Air Force today. As they say, it is hard to believe the time has gone so fast. I wonder what I would have thought if I had known what the next 42 years were to bring?
I took off on a a three day trip from Hampton, VA, to Washington DC, down the Pennsylvania Turnpike to Wakeeney, Kansas, where my parents lived. About a month later I was enrolling in Wichita State University for my M.A. in Political Science.
I do remember the feeling of having all the options in the world, I was out of the Air Force and ready to start life in “the real world”. Fortunately, while i realize my options are somewhat more limited, I still feel that way.
That’s it for now, Monday, July 13, 2015.
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