79 degrees this morning walk 42:36 minutes
Start of the second half of 2015.
Testing the sprinkler system in our yard this morning. I have a feeling it is wildly inaccurate, since we added a patio after the sprinkler system was installed. The little bit we have tested it, we have noted it is erratic to say the best.
They have an “odd/even” watering restriction system here, since we are an “odd” number I am trying it this morning.
I have to wonder about why watering is used so much to keep grass green, and for landscaping no one really looks at, when water is so scarce. Hopefully some means will be found to recycle water for landscaping use etc.
I thought during my walk this morning that I have never met another person or car since I started walking in this neighborhood. I haven’t even seen a car on any road.
Office day yesterday, catching up on paperwork from the previous field day and making followup phone calls. I definitely have enough to keep me busy, which is nice.
I am amazed at some of the businesses I see. People have great imaginations when it comes to starting a business!
Moon is full (or at least almost full) this morning. It makes walking a lot easier when it is full, it is almost like a light daylight.
I am prodding through the Business Week special edition on coding, programs etc. It is very interesting and fits in well with the book “The Innovators”. I’m listening to it a second time to catch what I may have missed the first time.
The Business Week issue answers a lot of questions I have had (or at least enlightens me on the subject, I really don’t know enough about it to “know” anything.)
Sprinkler water just chased me away from my favorite chair on the patio. It definitely needs to be adjusted!
However, from my new sitting position, I can look up and see the full moon just over the trees. It would make a wonderful picture.
“Trees” here would probably be considered scrub bushes back in Tennessee. I really noticed the trees when we visited back in Tennessee recently.
Nothing wrong with the type of trees here (except they are very rare), just that they are different.
I have always liked the July 4 Holiday (although I like any Holiday), because it gives you a chance to enjoy the summer. I’m not a big fireworks fan but it is part of the holiday.
I saw some posts about the effects of fireworks on dogs. I always remember our dog when I was a child who was terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. He would run into the house and my Dad (who absolutely didn’t like animals in the house) would act like he wasn’t in the house! He didn’t chase him out (like he would otherwiseI), but he also refused to acknowledge that he was there! Strange that is my main memory about July 4 as a child.
That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 1, 2015.
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