82 Degrees this morning, 41:08 minute walk.
July 15 marks the day I went on active duty in the Air Force, many years ago. Strange how such a date sticks in your mind. It was definitely a life-changing experience for whatever reasons.
July 15 also marks (or at least could be considered to mark) the midpoint of summer before the the tilt to going back to school etc., even though the warm weather actually continues deep into Fall. Many years the warm weather continues until almost Christmas, before the first snow begins.
Every year, I think of taking a vacation int the dead of winter when I need a break from the cool/cold weather. I always thought about the Panama Canal zone, but there are other areas.
I’d like to see Dubai, if nothing else for the wild architecture, something like Shanghai.
I have been thinking of saving up my credit card points for a trip to Dubai, and stay at the highest hotel in the world (a Marriott). I actually could do it with my Marriott Credit Card and use my Delta America Express for the points to fly there. Of course by the time I get that many points it may not be feasible to go, or, more likely the points required will go up faster than I can earn them!
I’m not sue what we would do when we got there, other than look around in ah, but nothing wrong with that.
Actually, I have wanted to go to Dubai ever since I read “The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman where he described the architecture of Dubai, Hong Kong etc.
I also hope to go back to China in the relatively near future, hopefully as part of a City Manager’s conference or tour, at least partly. I want to have a “self guided” tour also, that was really fun.
I still haven’t given up on my bicycle “ride with the Summer” , although I will need to train for it. Actually I am more likely to be able to do it now, although I probably will have to condense the time. I hope not to “retire, retire” for at least six more years, so that would restrict any long rides more than two weeks or so. Of course, probably just the riding of the bike will restrict any long rides to several days!
The streets in my neighborhood are cleaned up (thank goodness) so that should help me started training on my bike. Thanks to the City. I am considering getting a “weinee bike” (one with an electric motor “assist”, definitely not an electric bike).
The difference in an electric bike and an “electric assist bike (my definition) is that an “electric assist” bike, the electric motor is charged by pedaling and is used only when going up a step hill, or when you are tired etc., and is actually used very little of the time.
Anyway, I need to start training for the “ride with the summer” regardless of when I may actually do it. Maybe I could even do it one week and then follow up on weekends. Anyway, I”ll work out something.
Moving continues, trying to empty boxes, decide what to do with everything, assuming that where it ends up now is where it will probably live for years.
I am planning on listening to/reading the book on “The Japanese Art of tidying up”. Even if I don’t agree with everything, I will get the concept down. The library finally has it in for me, so I have no excuses not to read it. I also plan on listening to it on my morning walks.
Classroom training today. While I think it will be interesting (I hope it will provide answers to questions I have), I still am somewhat dreading it. Working at home and in the field is a real luxury that I appreciate (and I’m sure I get much more done at home than in an office with the normal disruptions) and it will make sitting in a classroom much more difficult!
That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
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