Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer 2015 July 17 Friday

81 degrees this morning, Walk 42:08 minutes

A message i received on a “Hot Wheels” E-Bay listing was especially interesting.  Someone one E-bay was asking $20,000 for their collection of Hot Wheels!  I will need to look at the details, but it will be interesting to see what they have.  

There were a number of other toys etc. with a high “asking” price, which of course doesn’t mean they will get what they are asking.

Even then, considering that I have seen “Hot Wheels” for sale for $5.00 minimum (although with a shipping charge almost equal to the price), it wouldn’t take much to add up, again, if you could sell them.

They are having a “Hot Wheels” show here about 6 times a year when people buy and sell Hot Wheels, Matchbook cars etc.   I think they mostly look and trade, but it is interesting.

Attended a session on Home Owner Association legal considerations last night.  It was interesting and hopefully helpful.  Part II is next week.

I already knew a lot of the basic information due to my past work, but that helped me learn more about the specifies of this state.

As cities continue to not honor their obligations to residents and burden Home Owners Associations with what should be services provided by the City,  HOA’s will become especially critical.  

I really don’t think the purpose of HOA’s is to maintain drainage ditches, parks etc, walking trails etc. while developers, builders and commercial businesses get what only can be described as gifts and special privileges at the expense of residents.

Speaking of that, several years ago, I noted an upsurge of panhandlers standing at the corner begging money etc.  Most important, I feel this is a hazard to the public.  I personally know of one panhandler who was killed and probably they have caused innumerable accidents when people are distracted by them.  It seems the city, county or state is partially responsible for letting it happen.  

I was reminded of this because yesterday at a McDonalds, I was accosted by someone who wanted money.  I just advised her “no” like I always do to such requests. 

I always feel a little better when I remember an incident several years ago.  We were going back to Memphis and stopped at a rest stop.  We had just gotten a brand new car.  We were asked by the stereotypical “little old lady” with a cane for money to get home and I refused.

Guilt burdened me until about a month later we stopped at the same rest stop.  The same lady came with the same story.  I asked her “didn’t I see you about a month ago?”.  She literally ran away without the need for her cane.  

I realize probably 50% of the people really do need help and will use it for food etc.  .  We aren’t heartless, we try to tip well for people who are trying to make a living and donate to various causes and organizations that help people.  

Another pet peeve is the stores who ask you to “add a dollar” for THEIR favorite charity and then act miffed when I say “no thanks”.  I have become immune to any guilt feelings on that (I always say no), but I still resent being put in a spot by the store.  Somehow it seems they could  pay the investment bankers, their executives etc. a few million dollars less and donate the money to their “cause” if it is that important to them. 

Anyway, enough of that.  Office day today, I have a lot of catching up on paperwork today.  It all seems to take more time than I think it will!

That’s it for now, Friday, July 17, 2015.  

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