79 degrees this morning, walk 40:32 minutes
July of 2015 is over! The year is flying by, soon I will be measuring the length of time here in “years” instead of months.
I’m not sure where the tipping point is, but at come point the “time worked here” or “time lived here” becomes years instead of months, and then may even become decades instead of years as the days accumulate!
I used to always be surprised (well, somewhat shocked also) when my Dad mentioned he had had a pair of shoes etc. for 30 years or whatever. Now I can date some clothes back to the early 70’s, many to the mid eighties etc. I understand. Time passes.
I have generally quit “saving” things for “……..” (insert whatever time or event you want). I am using them now if I want to! This refers to clothes, things like soap, shampoo etc., and stuff like flashlights, pens, journals etc. that I have been carrying around for years waiting for “……”. or the “right moment” to use them.
I have decided the “right moment” is now or at least whenever I want to. Believe it or not, I have t-shirts I haven’t worn for 30 years (at all) that I was keeping for the “right time” etc. Now I wear them, or if they don’t, they become donations.
I didn’t make it an overwhelming part of my life or anything, but there was always a small part of me that avoided wearing certain clothes or using some items until “that moment, event etc.” that may never happen
Well, I have decided the time is “now” and if I don’t use it, it will go. (I guess the “Tidying up” theory “if it doesn’t bring me joy, don’t let it be a burden!”.
A few years ago, I realized the meaning of the term “don’t let your possessions possess you” (or something like that). When they become a burden and not a joy, it is time to let them go!
Went to look at the nearest YMCA yesterday (about 2 miles from our house). That decided us on what to do, it is the best YMCA or exercise facility of any type I have ever seen.
I will just need to move on from the 24 hour type facility and realize I am going to continue doing my early morning and weekend exercises at home. It worked in Lakeland well, but it just won’t work here and I will need to change my pattern, which is probably good for me.
I think I have always heard that as you get older you tend to become set in your ways. Probably to some degree you do, because you find what you like and don’t like, but I still like to keep an open mind and maybe not welcome change, but accept it and consider changing my habits and behavior to accommodate change.
Sometimes, the full moon has a timeless nature (somewhat like “the endless summer”), but it is a fleeting moment. I watch the moon each morning as it gets full, appears to be full for a few days and then starts receding.
Somewhat like Summer, which as the days get shorter, is already starting to recede, but I don’t think about that and just enjoy the Summer.
In Lakeland, my patio faced the east and there were tall trees, so I never really noticed the moon like I do now, except while I was walking.
Field day today, several interesting projects. Had a good “office day” yesterday.
Looking forward to the weekend!
That’s it for now, Friday, July 31, 2015.