75 degrees this morning, no walk (lightning, rain)
Woke up this morning to almost continuous lightning, some rain. Looking at the weather app, we are on the fringe of a major lightning and thunder storm. It has calmed down some by now.
Success! We actually got the garage “organized” enough to get both cars in the garage! This has always been a major mark of progress in moving!
Of course, then, the garage door failed (it wouldn’t close), so we had to leave one car out anyway. The builder quickly responded and came over to disconnect the door so it could be closed until the garage door repair people can come and fix it.
We feel like we are continuously moving as we organize and reorganize etc. But at least it seems like we are making progress. Much of the work now involves going through boxes and putting stuff away.
It feels good to know this is relatively permanent, at least until we move again, and not decided based on renting a house that we may have to move from due to rent increases, sale of the house, or, like the last one, the failure of the owner to adequately maintain the house.
Of course, now that we are out of the house, they want to rush in and fix the driveway. It is a very nice house and the owner is taking an extremely short term view of maintenance of the house, which appears to be very counter-productive to even his apparent short term goal of maximizing rent and minimizing expenses, since he is skimping in areas that will create more expensive problems later.
Aliene is in the middle of a major summer cold, which is (in my opinion) the worst kind. I have been lucky so far and may have a minor one, but not like hers. Apparently this is “going around”.
Lightning has ended by now, at least the continuous lightning when I got up.
Finally reviewed by photos of the CMA Fest in Nashville. I was a little disappointed at the “photo opportunities” this year. Just one of those things, if the photo isn’t there, you can’t take a picture of it.
One reason is that CMA Fest has gotten so big, it is now basically a large number of smaller events, if that makes any sense. When we first started going, it has probably half the number of people it has now.
Success is usually good, but it also leads to changes. Also, the organizing group (which is basically a non-profit for musical education in the Nashville area) is starting to emphasize money raising as the highest priority vs. emphasizing the experience for the participants it used to have. Still a lot of fun, but we have noticed the change.
We plan on going one more year and then deciding. We pay about $500 for both tickets and people around us paid anywhere from $1200 to $1500 for tickets on “Stub hub”, so we figure we can sell our tickets if we decide not to go one year.
This may be the last year we can get a hotel room on “points’ which may decide us, since the hotels are simply gouging persons attending CMA Fest. Of course, they can ask what they want, people can refuse to pay it, and we may well do so.
We have a feeling they may be killing the goose that laid the golden egg so to speak.
Planning a Field Day today at work. The new accounts come in shortly after the first of the month, so there is always a lot of work available right after the first of the month.
This is a four day week (Independence Day observed on July 3), so that will be nice.
Short Dream (I only remembered a little of it):
Dream 6 28 15
Dreamed in a hotel, not sure where. Aliene was with me.
Most of the dream has vaporized, but I remember discussing something at the hotel, somehow I think my work become involved in my dreams.
Aliene and I left to go someplace and than Aliene said she was sleepy, just let her sleep.
I went back to hotel to eat something, as far as I can remember from the dream.
Woke up, couldn’t remember much of dream.
That’s it for now, Monday, June 29, 2015
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