Thursday, June 18, 2015

Spring 2015 June 18 Thursday

70 degrees this morning (no walk, rain)

Rain again this morning, fortunately not as heavy as in some areas.  

Our refrigerator was delivered yesterday, as we continue “moving into” the house. We had a refrigerator that came with the other house and we have a “garage refrigerator”, so it wasn’t as bad as it seems.  Our vacation also worked out well, since the refrigerator couldn’t be delivered until yesterday.

 Aliene made some real progress yesterday on unpacking and I continue to unpack our of desperation to find items that I need!  Actually, I am trying to determine the best spot for the desk in my office.  The current location, while the best overall,  may have too much of a glare.  

Due to the amount of furniture etc.  the entire office arrangement will depend on where the desk is, which makes sense.

Busy  “field day” today as I catch up on new and existing accounts.  Some items I can print out only on the day I go out, but I got most of the items I can printed yesterday, which saves a lot of time this morning.

We listened to the book “Girl on a Train” while driving.  It takes a lot longer to finish an audio book now since we drive a lot less.  It is a good book if you like that type of book.

I finished “the Innovators” while walking and started listening to “Girl on a Train” again while walking.  I was surprised at how much I missed, at least the early part, the first time I listened to it.  I got the basic concept, but listening the second time filled in some of the questions I had.  Originally I was going to listen again to the “Innovators” and I probably will still do that.  

Of course, I probably have 20 audio books “stacked” to listen to during my walk, so that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Sometimes, I like to take a moment and think where I am in the year.  2015 is almost 50% over and I look back and see what I accomplished and didn’t accomplish during the year.  Moving, planning to move, etc. just sucks all the time from you.

Somehow, as you grow older (or I anyway), I tend to accept the fact that some alternatives simply aren’t available anymore, but there is plenty that I can do, and well do, yet.  

Of course, many alternatives are opening up, so it is somewhat of a trade-off.  

I know the Summer will go as fast as the rest of the year and I will wonder where the Summer has gone, so I intend to experience the Summer.   I  guess no matter what you do, you “experience” the Summer, but I intend to  consciously experience as much as the summer as I can while Summer is here.

Actually, Summer type weather tends to last until Christmas when the snow usually seems to hit, although I have seen a light snow as early as Halloween.

One thing I really do like about here is the longer sunsets.  In Memphis, it would get dark about 8:00 p.m. at the latest, here it is 9:00 p.m. at the latest.  It depends on your definition of “becoming dark”, but it is an hour later here than in Memphis.  

Of course that also means it gets light an hour later here, but that doesn’t seem to matter as much, in fact I enjoy watching the day develop as the sun comes up.

Dream last night, I din’t get  up to write it down, so I forgot most of it, but it involved walking down the  street and having someone come up and aggressively try to shake me down.  This happened twice in the dream.  I vaguely remember the res t, but not enough that I can say what all was involved. I woke up because I was physically pushing away the attacker in the dream!

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 18, 2015.

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