Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer 2015 June 25 Thursday

79 degrees this morning, walk 41:37 minutes 

Sitting outside on the patio this morning.  It is nice, but windy.

Frankly, I can understand why the wind can drive people insane, the continuous wind.  

One of the events I always remember is driving from Memphis and getting out and feeling the wind (hot in summer, cold in winter) and think, yes, this is why we moved!

The wind is strong enough this morning to move my laptop, and it isn’t even that strong of a wind.   But at least it appears to keep the bugs off of me, if there are any.

Our patio actually has an “inside” part, where I can still enjoy the outside but also am out of the wind and rain.  I probably will start eating breakfast on the patio and may even take my naps out here.  

The wind blowing through the trees (what few trees there are-there are absolutely no trees in the actual addition, it was a “scrape and rape” operation), other than the scraggly trees they plant that die shortly after the year guarantee is up (which they won’t honor anyway).  However my backyard looks out on property not in the addition that has a number of trees.  

Now that I think of it, I don’t think there is a single tree left in the addition as such, other than the recently planted ones. 

Anyway, it is nice to hear the wind blow through the trees, if there has to be a wind. 

Welcome to the city where builders and developers are happy and rich at the expense of the residents!

Actually the city has done an excellent job of enforcing the stormwater regulations here.  Hope they keep it up, but I really appreciate what they have done.

We are actually only about 1/2 of a mile away from an adjacent city where they have more consideration for the residents. Houses also are about 20% higher, which says something.  (Homeowners make it back and more when they resale.).

They have a lot more trees, parks, trails etc. This city is going the way of the pathetic “private” parks paid for by HOA’s instead of decent public parks as surrounding cities have.  

The developers, real estate agents and builders carefully say that the addition I am in is “in the area” of the next city over instead of the city we actually live in, which indicates the preference of homebuyers.

Since where I live, the mailing address is actually the next city over and we are in a different school district with the same name as that adjacent city, they play on that to mislead potential buyers.

In this state, all School Districts are completely “independent”, with their own Boards, they set their own taxes etc.  Makes a lot more sense than the Tennessee model of city and/or county schools.  

I am ashamed to say I apparently spent this entire entry on a “rant”.  

I wonder why “rants” all of sudden become something bad?  

I was warned by a consultant that “rants” may be reviewed by employers etc. and knock you out of contention?  Do employers think I shouldn’t  have an opinion and  just accept everything as gospel or truth?  

Anyway, enough on that.

Field Day today, probably a busy day in the field, I have a lot of contacts planned.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 25, 2015.

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