Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer 2015 June 23 Tuesday

77 degrees this morning, 42:01 minute walk

Earthquakes are really increasing in this region.  I recently  read that the number of earthquakes had increased 90% just in the past year in this region!  

Recently in a relatively short period, there were a number of earthquakes in the 3.0 to 4.5 range, which used to be almost none more than the nominal 2.5.

Almost everyone now admits the cause is the “deep salt water disposal wells”.  

I understand that in many wells 10 gallons (or is it barrels?) of saltwater are produced for every gallon/barrel of oil  

If the oil companies were encouraged to reuse the saltwater, maybe several problems could be solved!

The recent rains have more than refilled the lakes etc.  around here.  

I like to note good deeds and work.  Yesterday I was called and advised I didn’t need to pay a deposit on my water bill.  I don’t know if it was an error or what. Actually the deposit did’t really bother me, although in my experience they  are more costly than then are worth.  

The administration and reporting of deposits, especially in small amounts like $50 can turn into an enormous task.  Probably a lot simpler now with fast computers etc. but someone still has to operate the program, etc.  

Another very positive action by the city is that the addition streets are almost clean, especially considering the amount of construction going on.  

I am thanking them for their  excellent job of monitoring the developer and builders and keeping the streets clean for the residents. 

There actually is one holdout, but hopefully that company will appear in court to pay a fine for the violation!

Also, on a positive note we appear to have finally gotten a cable tv/internet maintenance person who knows what he is doing, or at least cares enough and is knowledgable enough to correct most of the problems the system has (there are still some problems, but it is a lot better).

Moving is continuing, it is a continuous process.   We have reached/will soon reach the point where we need to start donating/tossing again, or finding someplace we can store stuff:)

One thing we will not do is have a garage sale.  Years ago, right after we got married, we had a garage sale.  It was not a good experience.  My main success was selling a desk for $1.00 that someone wanted $15 to haul off! 

Work continues to be interesting as I learn about my new areas and continue to learn moe about my job.  As i have mentioned, it is something new all the time, which is what I enjoy about it.

i have my quarterly “ride along” today, which I guess is like an evaluation.  I actually usually try to schedule some difficult  accounts so I can learn from having a more experienced person available..

I enjoyed the first day of summer and am looking forward to many more!

That’ it it for now, Tuesday, June 23, 2015.

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