Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Spring 2015 June 3 Wednesday (Summer Days, Routine, Change)

72 degrees this morning, Walk 38:13 minutes 

This is the time of year I love (it is finally getting hot) for the long days and the long evenings and the hot sun (finally!)

On the other hand, there is a certain sadness about it, since the longest day of the year is just a short time away, and then the days get shorter as winter arrives again.

Of course, there is the enjoyment of Summer after June 21, and usually it is late December before the “hard” winter arrives and then you can count the days to the coming Spring.

This is one of those years when there almost wasn’t a Spring (at least if the Summer weather of the past two years continues). One thing I really liked about Memphis was the climate, while there was that long period of Spring when it was still cold, or uncomfortably cool, it didn’t last near as long as it does here.

I think the altitude had a lot to do with it, since Lakeland/Memphis was only a small amount over sea level, here it is a lot higher.

Routine.  I think one thing that I am really concerned about is falling into a “routine” and not being aware of it or being afraid to break out of it.  

I don’t mean a routine I like and am aware of, but rather a routine where I don’t want to try new things or have such a structured routine that I get upset if the structure changes.

I have see people (I won’t name names), especially older men, who have fallen into a structure they get stressed if it changes.  (In all fairness, I have seen young men and women if all into this trap also).  

It is easy to talk about “Change is inevitable”, and Change is good etc., it is another thing to really embrace change.  

That came up in my mind his morning as the move comes and I altered my schedule my schedule slightly this morning.  

Right now, I doubt that that  (falling into the trap of structure) is going to be a problem, but I want to avoid it after we move also.

Fortunately, my job is varied enough to avoid any structure.  It is a never ending tapestry  of new people to deal with, new situations, while maintaining a sense of familiarly.  By moving to new sections of the city, I have learned a lot about the city I never knew before.  

I can remember when Kenneth Cooper first wrote “Aerobics” he recommended that you take at least one day a week off and/or, do a variety of exercise.  

I don’t necessarily think I exercise hard enough to worry about that, I think of vigorous running etc. is when you have to take a day off for the muscles to recover.

Right now, I basically do the same thing every day, I will mix it up a little after I move.  As I mentioned, it is so easy to get into a structure trap where it is so comfortable to do the same thing every day, or at least it is “stressful”  (in a sense) to change the routine.  

Short Dream yesterday:Dream 6 2-15

Dreamed in some kind of area where we were in a building  talking to someone in a cage who was telling stories

I was thinking how badly I wanted a  candy bar (a Butterfingers) and a Heresy Bar.

Occasionally the person talking would throw something out of the caged area, kind of like a tellers cage in a bank, the old type.

I saw several one-armed men and women around.

The setting was unknown, I didn’t have any sense of the setting to the dream.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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