Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Summer 2015 June 30 Tuesday

71 degrees this morning.  Walk 39:02 minutes (a record for this route)

The year 2015 is 50% over.  It is hard to believe it went so fast.  This will mark one year since we have moved, and July 2, will be 10 months in my current job.  Things are still left undone!

I just realized after I posted my blog yesterday morning that I had written and not posted my blog Sunday.  Unfortunately, I ran some updates Sunday and deleted the blog since I thought I had posted it.  

I think I have done this twice in the past two years, all on a Sunday!  I guess the change in routine.

I have to wonder, what does this mean about the blog I wrote, assuming, I fear, it is gone forever?  Was it even here if no one read it (including me?)  Kind of like singing in the car or the shower when no one hears you, did it really even happen?

Maybe more like a tree falling in the forest and no one hears it, did it even really make any noise?

Anyway, enough of that.  What’s gone is gone.  I can’t recreate it since I literally do it as a stream of thought and have no outline or notes or usually even remember what I wrote.  (I don’t need to since I normally keep a copy, or rather several copies!)

I started to use Google Docs for this  journal since it (or at least the spreadsheets) automatically save, but I don’t care for the editing in Google Docs.  Also, I need the internet to write it, although i think there is an off-line option.  

We are still in the process of moving and will probably be for some time.  A little bit every day with a sudden surge occasionally and we are making good progress!  I am reviewing the book “Japanese Art of Tidying Up” and an old standard Stephanie Winston “Getting Organized” to prepare myself (if I can find the Winston book from moving).  

Getting both cars in the garage (along with a set of weights, a punching bag stand, racks, and numerous boxes) was a major victory!  Now, opening boxes and tossing anything I can’t find a place for is my next step.

Anything is subject to tossing except my Hot Wheels!  Well, a few books and some pictures etc.  

One thing all of the notebooks, sticky pads etc. I have been saving for years, I can finally use in my job.  However, it also makes me realize just how many I have and no matter how long I keep working I doubt if I will ever run out of pens, notebooks, sticky pads or not pads!

i think one thing I commented on Sunday was the way stores seem to “assume” you don’t want a receipt.  Almost every store asks if I want my receipt and then acts a little insulted when I say yes, of course I to.  (I don’t really say “yes of course”, I just politely say “yes”.)

I think that thought started after we did some grueling moving work Saturday morning and early afternoon on cleaning up the old house (well, Aliene did anyway)  

We rewarded ourselves by going to “Buffalo Wild Wings”, which is about a mile from our house (as is our favorite breakfast restaurant, Katy’s Country Griddle, where Aliene can get gluten free pancakes).  

Coffee is my standard for measuring a restaurant.  I have gotten to the point where if it isn’t hot and fresh, I don’t mind asking for a new pot.  If the server is a coffee drinker they understand, if not, they probably think I am just picky.  However, I figure $3.00 for a cup of coffee (a lot less at Katy’s of course), it should be a fresh pot.

Anyway, the coffee was mediocre, not quite bad enough to send back.  I was going to make a comment on the survey they give with the check, but the server “assumed” I didn’t want it, which got me off on people who seem to assume I don’t want a receipt. 

I’ll go over my experience with our (ex) dry cleaners in a future blog.

A hoot owl is hooting in the distance.  I am sitting outside on my patio enjoying the early morning weather.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 30, 2015.     

Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer 2015 June 29 Monday

75 degrees this morning, no walk (lightning, rain)

Woke up this morning to almost continuous lightning, some rain.  Looking at the weather app, we are on the fringe of a major lightning and thunder storm.  It has calmed down some by now.

Success!  We actually got the garage “organized” enough to get both cars in the garage!  This has always been a major mark of progress in moving!  

Of course, then, the garage door failed (it wouldn’t close), so we had to leave one car out anyway.  The builder quickly responded and came over to disconnect the door so it could be closed until the garage door repair people can come and fix it.  

We feel like we are continuously moving as we organize and reorganize etc.  But at least it seems like we are making progress.  Much of the work now involves going through boxes and putting stuff away.

It feels good to know this is relatively permanent, at least until we move again, and not decided based on renting a house that we may have to move from due to rent increases, sale of the house, or, like the last one, the failure of the owner to adequately maintain the house. 

Of course, now that we are out of the house, they want to rush in and fix the driveway.  It is a very nice house and the owner is taking an extremely short term view of maintenance of the house, which appears to be very counter-productive to even his apparent short term goal of maximizing rent and minimizing expenses, since he is skimping in areas that will create more expensive problems later.

Aliene is in the middle of a major summer cold, which is (in my opinion) the worst kind.  I have been lucky so far and may have a minor one, but not like hers.  Apparently this is “going around”.  

Lightning has ended by now, at least the continuous lightning when I got up.  

Finally reviewed by photos of the CMA Fest in Nashville.  I was a little disappointed at the “photo opportunities” this year.  Just one of those things, if the photo isn’t there, you can’t take a picture of it.  

One reason is that CMA Fest has gotten so big, it is now basically a large number of smaller events, if that makes any sense.  When we first started going, it has probably half the number of people it has now.  

Success is usually good, but it also leads to changes.  Also, the organizing group (which is basically a non-profit for musical education in the Nashville area) is starting to emphasize money raising as the highest priority vs. emphasizing the experience for the participants it used to have.  Still a lot of fun, but we have noticed the change. 

We plan on going one more year and then deciding.  We pay about $500 for both tickets and people around us paid anywhere from $1200 to $1500 for tickets on “Stub hub”, so we figure we can sell our tickets if we decide not to go one year.  

This may be the last year we can get a hotel room on “points’ which may decide us, since the hotels are simply gouging persons attending CMA Fest.  Of course, they can ask what they want, people can refuse to pay it, and we may well do so. 

We have a feeling they may be killing the goose that laid the golden egg so to speak.

Planning a Field Day today at work.  The new accounts come in shortly after the first of the month, so there is always a lot of work available right after the first of the month.

This is a four day week (Independence Day observed on July 3), so that will be nice.

Short Dream (I only remembered a little of it):

Dream 6 28 15

Dreamed in a hotel, not sure where.   Aliene was with me.  

Most of the dream has vaporized, but I remember discussing something at the hotel, somehow I think my work become involved in my dreams.

Aliene and I left to go someplace and than Aliene said she was sleepy, just let her sleep.  

I went back to hotel to eat something, as far as I can remember from the dream.

Woke up, couldn’t remember much of dream.

That’s it for now, Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer 2015 June 29 Monday

75 degrees this morning, no walk (lightning, rain)

Woke up this morning to almost continuous lightning, some rain.  Looking at the weather app, we are on the fringe of a major lightning and thunder storm.  It has calmed down some by now.

Success!  We actually got the garage “organized” enough to get both cars in the garage!  This has always been a major mark of progress in moving!  

Of course, then, the garage door failed (it wouldn’t close), so we had to leave one car out anyway.  The builder quickly responded and came over to disconnect the door so it could be closed until the garage door repair people can come and fix it.  

We feel like we are continuously moving as we organize and reorganize etc.  But at least it seems like we are making progress.  Much of the work now involves going through boxes and putting stuff away.

It feels good to know this is relatively permanent, at least until we move again, and not decided based on renting a house that we may have to move from due to rent increases, sale of the house, or, like the last one, the failure of the owner to adequately maintain the house. 

Of course, now that we are out of the house, they want to rush in and fix the driveway.  It is a very nice house and the owner is taking an extremely short term view of maintenance of the house, which appears to be very counter-productive to even his apparent short term goal of maximizing rent and minimizing expenses, since he is skimping in areas that will create more expensive problems later.

Aliene is in the middle of a major summer cold, which is (in my opinion) the worst kind.  I have been lucky so far and may have a minor one, but not like hers.  Apparently this is “going around”.  

Lightning has ended by now, at least the continuous lightning when I got up.  

Finally reviewed by photos of the CMA Fest in Nashville.  I was a little disappointed at the “photo opportunities” this year.  Just one of those things, if the photo isn’t there, you can’t take a picture of it.  

One reason is that CMA Fest has gotten so big, it is now basically a large number of smaller events, if that makes any sense.  When we first started going, it has probably half the number of people it has now.  

Success is usually good, but it also leads to changes.  Also, the organizing group (which is basically a non-profit for musical education in the Nashville area) is starting to emphasize money raising as the highest priority vs. emphasizing the experience for the participants it used to have.  Still a lot of fun, but we have noticed the change. 

We plan on going one more year and then deciding.  We pay about $500 for both tickets and people around us paid anywhere from $1200 to $1500 for tickets on “Stub hub”, so we figure we can sell our tickets if we decide not to go one year.  

This may be the last year we can get a hotel room on “points’ which may decide us, since the hotels are simply gouging persons attending CMA Fest.  Of course, they can ask what they want, people can refuse to pay it, and we may well do so. 

We have a feeling they may be killing the goose that laid the golden egg so to speak.

Planning a Field Day today at work.  The new accounts come in shortly after the first of the month, so there is always a lot of work available right after the first of the month.

This is a four day week (Independence Day observed on July 3), so that will be nice.

Short Dream (I only remembered a little of it):

Dream 6 28 15

Dreamed in a hotel, not sure where.   Aliene was with me.  

Most of the dream has vaporized, but I remember discussing something at the hotel, somehow I think my work become involved in my dreams.

Aliene and I left to go someplace and than Aliene said she was sleepy, just let her sleep.  

I went back to hotel to eat something, as far as I can remember from the dream.

Woke up, couldn’t remember much of dream.

That’s it for now, Monday, June 29, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Summer 2015 June 27 Saturday

71 degrees this morning.  41:40 minute walk +- (+- because I forget to stop the watch when I get back)

71 degrees actually has a cool feel to it this morning. 

I have settled into somewhat of a walking routine,  which takes about  the time I want to walk.  I am going to add a bicycle route into it, at least as long as the streets stay clean enough so I can safely bike.

During the walk, I noted the narrow streets again, and of course, sidewalks are made useless by the number of people who park right across the sidewalk.  With the number of children there are going to be in this neighborhood (we are close to an elementary school as well as  a middle school and high school), it seems the planners could have insisted on a better design.  Of course, the objective seems to be maximizing developer profit, not providing good neighborhoods. 

I still have  real problem with the apparent policy of of no city parks, but requiring very small “neighborhood parks” that are maintained by the HOA’s.  They aren’t even close to the 10% public space requirement of most cities.

I think it will develop into the balkanization of the city, with no real public areas such as many of the great city parks in the city adjacent to us.  

A year ago, we moved into the house we just moved out of.  We had an air mattress and some clothes and I think that was about it!  The moving trucks didn’t  come until July 3.  Overall it was a nice house, at least it was the best one we could find at even close to reasonable rent, which was still much higher than a housing payment is for a similar house, although we didn't have to worry about major repairs, storm damage etc. or earthquakes.

Earthquakes are becoming much more often and are getting stronger.  I don’t  understand how earthquakes are measured, but a 4.0 is much more than  a 2.5 and we are getting a lot of 3.5-5.0 earthquakes that used to be 2.5 rated.  

Since none of the buildings or streets etc. are built with earthquakes in mind, a large earthquake could do a lot of damage.  

A possible earthquake(s) is one of the major reasons we hesitated to buy a house.  We found there is really no such thing as “earthquake insurance”.  

Next week will be a “4 day work week”, since July 3 is observed for the Saturday July 4.  

Somehow, Independence Day seems like the Summer is half over, although of course that isn’t true, even when schools let out on Memorial Day and didn’t start until Labor Day.  

A short dream.  I almost didn’t record it since I didn’t remember much.

6 26 15 Dream

Dreamed I was in some king of general store, an older  type of store, with rough wood etc.  

There was speaking in the dream., although it was like we discussed several matters

I remember looking around and seeing pelts, including two fox pelts pinned to a wall.  

Don’t remember any more.

That’s it for now, Saturday, June 27, 2015.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer 2015 June 26 Friday

81 degrees this morning.  Walk 41:38 +- minutes. 

Lightning in the west this morning, possibly a summer storm coming in.  More rain, which we don’t need.

Somehow we forgot to mark or even think about the one-year anniversary of moving from Lakeland.  A  year ago, we were “homeless”, looking for someplace to live, looking at major changes in our lives.

Sitting on the patio again, writing this.  I used to do it in the complete dark (it is usually around 4:30 a.m.), but that got kind of creepy, so I have the back porch light on.  I still like to write while I watch taped programs (usually Cramer “Mad Money”, auto racing, boxing or music videos-with the exception of “Mad Money”, not programs that probably stretch my mind to any degree.  

However, I enjoy even more the sounds, scents and sights of nature (except for bugs), the wind blowing in the streets the sounds of birds and some kind of bug (somewhat like a tree frog, but not as loud).

In spite of lightning in the west, the wind has been fairly low, although the wind is there, always there.  

One thing I enjoyed about my patio in Lakeland was the stillness, very rarely any kind of wind. 

I got some information on the book about “separating” yourself from possessions.  I have looked up some of the concepts (I haven’t read the book yet) and it dodx make sense.  

It does make it easier to get rid of items if you know the next person will treasure and use them, or even, if appropriate, it is time to give an item (a pair of shoes, a hat, a favorite shirt), the rest it deserves.

I am always surprised when I suddenly realize I have had a shirt for 30 years, shoes for 20 etc.  Actually, I can date some items back to the late seventies, which is at least 30 years and a lot of items from the mid eighties, which is at least approaching 30 years.

I got my first computer in around 1981 (a Vic 20), so that was 34 years ago in itself, and my fist PC in 1987.  Time flies.

Of course, already, I note that the days are starting to get shorter.  A lot of Summer, and Summer weather is still ahead, but it also means winter will come and the “shortest day of the year” before we have the “longest day of the year”. Of course it makes sense but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Finished listening to “Girl on a Train” during my walk.  We also listened to it while driving in the car.  It is quite a book, if you like books like that. 

I started listening to the “Innovators” again, although that was because it was the only other book on my iPod (formerly iPhone 3).   I always look forward to a new book.  
Strange, I haven’t read a book, on it’s own, for several months now.  It is not  matter of lack of desire, I see all kinds of books I want to read and make lists of books to read.  It is a matter of time and priorities.  It isn’t even moving, it is probably that the computer takes a lot of time, as does other activities.  

Some of it is that I got tired of reading books with essentially the same plot and even stereotyped characters, but on the other hand, sometimes it is comfortable to read something that I am familiar with, that there is some certainly as to what will happen.

Very busy day in the field yesterday office day today to catch up the paperwork.  I really like my new (temporary perhaps) area, it has a lot of interesting people and businesses and it keeps my busy.  

That’s it for now, Friday, June 26, 2015.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer 2015 June 25 Thursday

79 degrees this morning, walk 41:37 minutes 

Sitting outside on the patio this morning.  It is nice, but windy.

Frankly, I can understand why the wind can drive people insane, the continuous wind.  

One of the events I always remember is driving from Memphis and getting out and feeling the wind (hot in summer, cold in winter) and think, yes, this is why we moved!

The wind is strong enough this morning to move my laptop, and it isn’t even that strong of a wind.   But at least it appears to keep the bugs off of me, if there are any.

Our patio actually has an “inside” part, where I can still enjoy the outside but also am out of the wind and rain.  I probably will start eating breakfast on the patio and may even take my naps out here.  

The wind blowing through the trees (what few trees there are-there are absolutely no trees in the actual addition, it was a “scrape and rape” operation), other than the scraggly trees they plant that die shortly after the year guarantee is up (which they won’t honor anyway).  However my backyard looks out on property not in the addition that has a number of trees.  

Now that I think of it, I don’t think there is a single tree left in the addition as such, other than the recently planted ones. 

Anyway, it is nice to hear the wind blow through the trees, if there has to be a wind. 

Welcome to the city where builders and developers are happy and rich at the expense of the residents!

Actually the city has done an excellent job of enforcing the stormwater regulations here.  Hope they keep it up, but I really appreciate what they have done.

We are actually only about 1/2 of a mile away from an adjacent city where they have more consideration for the residents. Houses also are about 20% higher, which says something.  (Homeowners make it back and more when they resale.).

They have a lot more trees, parks, trails etc. This city is going the way of the pathetic “private” parks paid for by HOA’s instead of decent public parks as surrounding cities have.  

The developers, real estate agents and builders carefully say that the addition I am in is “in the area” of the next city over instead of the city we actually live in, which indicates the preference of homebuyers.

Since where I live, the mailing address is actually the next city over and we are in a different school district with the same name as that adjacent city, they play on that to mislead potential buyers.

In this state, all School Districts are completely “independent”, with their own Boards, they set their own taxes etc.  Makes a lot more sense than the Tennessee model of city and/or county schools.  

I am ashamed to say I apparently spent this entire entry on a “rant”.  

I wonder why “rants” all of sudden become something bad?  

I was warned by a consultant that “rants” may be reviewed by employers etc. and knock you out of contention?  Do employers think I shouldn’t  have an opinion and  just accept everything as gospel or truth?  

Anyway, enough on that.

Field Day today, probably a busy day in the field, I have a lot of contacts planned.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 25, 2015.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer 2015 June 24 Wednesday

78 degrees this morning, Walk 41:32 minutes (estimated, forgot to stop stopwatch).

Reading a Business Week magazine on “Coding” and “Code”.  The entire magazine is devoted to that subject and I decided I was going to read it from cover to cover.  I’m not trying to memorize anything, just get an idea.  

Actually, I understand a lot of it from past experience and classes etc., but I am learning a lot.  I am  trying to  read it in small bites, otherwise I would probably drown in a world of confusion.  

I have to admit, reading about Code and how it works I am even more amazed at how so much can be accomplished with so little  

It seems that most of it (including movies from early movies to the latest) is nothing but illusion.  You only think you are  seeing it.  Apparently computers are the same way, it just moves so fast it is an illusion.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable and obviously accomplishes a lot!  

I am finding I probably don’t understand it yet, since I can’t explain it.

The article did note that algorithms are nothing but Code and there is nothing magical about them, except if they are done right, they can be very valuable, if not…..

Back to the “garbage in, garbage out” principle.

Kind of like stereotypes, if they work they are great, if they don’t, it can create a lot of problems.

Thinking about this during my walk this morning.  I think an “Algorithm” probably was responsible for my being charged a deposit in error (or maybe even not being charged a deposit when I first got utilities!).  

Our neighborhood already has “nextdoor.com”, which I was glad to see.  While (like an algorithm!) it is only as good as what is put in, it can be very valuable. 

6 23 15 Dream

Dream I was in someplace, I believe in a restaurant.  
People would keep stopping by and talking with me about things.  (I was dreaming I was the past City Manager in what appeared to be a city I worked in a very long time go in Kansas, but I was never City Manager there).  I would carefully tell people I was not city manger, but try to answer their question.

Some times the questions spread into my current job.

The dream changed to me sitting outside under a tree (I believe a house I lived in in Kansas a long time ago.)

In he dream, the house was across from a school and a lot of children came over and sat and talked and visited, probably before school and at recess.  They would leave bottles of water, iPods, cameras and glasses laying around and I would say leave them there, they will get them.

Right before I woke up, I had gotten up outside and dropped my iPhone.  I looked for it on the ground, which was camouflaged  to hide the iPhone.  Someone found it near a water meter and gave it to me.

I woke up

I have absolutely no idea of the meaning of this dream!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 24, 2015.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer 2015 June 23 Tuesday

77 degrees this morning, 42:01 minute walk

Earthquakes are really increasing in this region.  I recently  read that the number of earthquakes had increased 90% just in the past year in this region!  

Recently in a relatively short period, there were a number of earthquakes in the 3.0 to 4.5 range, which used to be almost none more than the nominal 2.5.

Almost everyone now admits the cause is the “deep salt water disposal wells”.  

I understand that in many wells 10 gallons (or is it barrels?) of saltwater are produced for every gallon/barrel of oil  

If the oil companies were encouraged to reuse the saltwater, maybe several problems could be solved!

The recent rains have more than refilled the lakes etc.  around here.  

I like to note good deeds and work.  Yesterday I was called and advised I didn’t need to pay a deposit on my water bill.  I don’t know if it was an error or what. Actually the deposit did’t really bother me, although in my experience they  are more costly than then are worth.  

The administration and reporting of deposits, especially in small amounts like $50 can turn into an enormous task.  Probably a lot simpler now with fast computers etc. but someone still has to operate the program, etc.  

Another very positive action by the city is that the addition streets are almost clean, especially considering the amount of construction going on.  

I am thanking them for their  excellent job of monitoring the developer and builders and keeping the streets clean for the residents. 

There actually is one holdout, but hopefully that company will appear in court to pay a fine for the violation!

Also, on a positive note we appear to have finally gotten a cable tv/internet maintenance person who knows what he is doing, or at least cares enough and is knowledgable enough to correct most of the problems the system has (there are still some problems, but it is a lot better).

Moving is continuing, it is a continuous process.   We have reached/will soon reach the point where we need to start donating/tossing again, or finding someplace we can store stuff:)

One thing we will not do is have a garage sale.  Years ago, right after we got married, we had a garage sale.  It was not a good experience.  My main success was selling a desk for $1.00 that someone wanted $15 to haul off! 

Work continues to be interesting as I learn about my new areas and continue to learn moe about my job.  As i have mentioned, it is something new all the time, which is what I enjoy about it.

i have my quarterly “ride along” today, which I guess is like an evaluation.  I actually usually try to schedule some difficult  accounts so I can learn from having a more experienced person available..

I enjoyed the first day of summer and am looking forward to many more!

That’ it it for now, Tuesday, June 23, 2015.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer 2015 June 22 Monday

76 degrees this morning 42:01 minutes walking (re-started sit-ups, barbells)

Started back into my regular exercise routine this morning with walk, situps and barbells. Nothing strenuous.  

Thinking about how my experience of the past 1 1/2 years+- will make me a better manager.  Maybe every City Manager should be required to live in another city for a while as an “ordinary” resident, without any extraordinary contact with local government.  

I recognize some things I would have done different, especially in realizing how local government needs to increase contact with residents, especially on projects or events affecting them.  

Also, certainly the current city emphasizes the dangers of ingrown thinking, and “doing what has been done in the past”.  As I have mentioned numerous times, the planning here is atrocious and the thinking belongs in the dinosaur age.

The type of planning they do here is laughable, except it establishes the “tracks” for perpetuity.  Alllowing “instant slums” by allowing hundreds of apartments without any road or park improvements is unbelievable.  

Also, I have seen businesses allowed busy streets without any provisions for traffic, including allow entrances and exits that contribute to bottlenecks.  

One policy that is beyond strange is their policy on deposits.

We leased the house a year ago and no deposit was required.  That is relatively common anymore.

We always paid immediately (it isn’t enough money to play the game of paying as close to the due date as possible).

Now, when we move, we are suddenly charged a $50 deposit !!!!! Bizarre!  

Anyway, so I call up to ask why I am NOW being charged a $50 deposit after I have been a “good’ paying customer for a year.

The explanation I got was strange to say the least and appears to border on the illegal, mainly it is “where I am moving too” and that “sometimes it is waived for the first year”??? that is beyond comprehension and is the type of confused “group  think”  “We’ve always done it this way” thinking that is displayed in their backward planning.  (We are moving to basically the same type area we moved from.)

Yesterday, I finished cutting up the final boxes we couldn’t give away.  Again, I don’t know why I enjoy (in the sense that it is somehow satisfying) cutting up boxes, but I finished it up.

It also got me thinking also on this City’s antique recycle policies.  Not accepting cardboard, or many types of plastic etc, using the old “recycle” bins in this windy  area etc. is the type of ingrown thinking I have been talking about.

I had a really excellent Fathers Day yesterday, lunch with Aliene, Angela, Kali and Katherine and some really neat cards!   I really enjoyed the day.  

Office day today.  Tomorrow I have my quarterly “ride along” with a more experienced person.  Everyone has to do it, and it probably isn’t a bad idea.  I use it as a learning experience and schedule some of my more difficult and unusual situations on that day!

That’s it for now, Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer! 2015 June 21 Sunday

76  Degrees this morning, 41.28 minute walk 

First day of Summer!  I will enjoy the “longest day” of sunshine, even as I feel a little wistful knowing that the days will slowly start getting shorter.  As I once heard someone say, I’ll just be “glad I’m here” and enjoy the lazy, hazy crazy days of  Summer.  

I especially plan on enjoying the long sunsets I can see here.  I want to be sure I actually take the time to enjoy a few of them this summer.  It is easy for the Summer to pass and you suddenly realize you haven’t taken the time to enjoy a sunset all all, much less as many as you would like. 

A sunset here, or a full moon rising, is almost a destination trip it is so nice.  The only problem is, maybe like Memphis nights in the summer, early morning anywhere, or a hot hazy Summer day, it can become addictive and you realize it has become a part of your life.  Any you can’t have all of them.

I just realized I have been living for almost a year as an “ordinary resident” in another city, without any relationship with the local government at all, the first time in over 40 years.  Frankly, even though they  are responsive on many things, I can undersigned the anger, and the lack of participation by residents in local government.  

I think part of it here is the feeling-which is also the situation- that everything is ingrown, everyone in local government seems follow almost a routine when it comes to important decisions, a “We always done it this way” type thinking.

Also there is a lot of the feeling (a term I absolutely hate) “It if ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  type thinking. 

It is amazing to me that the city has planning apparently stuck in the early 1900’s, allowing developers, builders and commercial businesses to build at the expense of everyone else.   It is like they have never heard of good planning practices, or simply want to ignore them.

More on this another day.  Had a dream yesterday I want to note, and it is a long one, a very intense and almost unsettling one.  It took me a while to realize after I woke up it was only a dream.
6 20 15 dream

Dreamed I was at Lakeland City Hall (but I was actually in Harrah City Hall) working on something on my computer.  I was in the back room where my office was. Occasionally I’d walk up to the front where no one knew me, but ignored me.

At some point someone came in and started putting little cutouts over all of the tables, except the desk was working on.

At one point I went up front and my old office in Lakeland City Hall appeared as open on one side with a bunch of plastic, like the grocery  stores used to do in  refrigerated areas.

I went back and it started raining.  I let  a woman out the door into the pouring rain.  

Went to the back of City Hall (Harrah City hall) and waked out and it seemed like a Senior Center, with a bunch of Senior Citizens sitting around listening to music.  I saw a number of people I knew (from both Harrah and Lakeland) sitting in the area on folding chairs, listening to music.  Many waved.  (I realized that many of he people I recognized are now deceased.)

I went back inside.  i started to wonder what I would do if the Lakeland spoiled brat Mayor saw me and asked what I was doing there.

I went outside and it started to rain really heavy.  I was going down the street and suddenly realized it was flooding. I heard comments that   “the new houses by the dam are flooding”.

Suddenly it was like a swimming pool, with everyone swimming in the flood waters, even a beach ball appeared and there was even some whoops of laughter and fun.

The water got deeper, with the water rushing so bad  at one point I thought I was going to drown.

I went back to City Hall and realized they had put a rock sidewalk so you dry out on it..  (It doesn't make any sense nowI)  Of course everything was empty now.

I started to go into the back door of City Hall (actually Harrah City Hall), but drew back when i saw someone in there.

Then I panicked thinking  I  was locked out.  

I tried the door again and it was locked.  I thought, “my laptop” is in there. how will I ever get it out?
I tried he door  again when i woke up.

A very powerful dream.

That’s it for today, the first day of Summer, June 21, 2015.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers.