Thursday, March 05, 2015

Winter 2015 March 5 Thursday (Snow!)

15 degrees this morning (no walk, snow etc.)

Snow started late Wednesday afternoon and accumulated enough to create slick streets and sidewalks last night.  Most schools have already canceled classes tomorrow. Temperature was supposed to be 25 degrees getting up to 45 degrees, but it looks like it will be 15 degrees getting up to 35 degrees, which won’t help the snow melt much.

I think the snow has stopped, and hopefully it will warm enough so the snow melts.  

The place I work shut down early this afternoon (right now) will start work  at 10 a.m.)  As I mentioned before, since my office is in my house, I don’t get “snow days” or “snow hours” which is fine with me, 

I got some new accounts yesterday, which is always fun.  It is really challenging and I enjoy doing the research as well as meeting the people when I go out in a field trip.  

It is hard to explain, it is like approaching a puzzle that I approach with a lot of anticipation.  I feel this real desire, or perhaps compulsion, to resolve each account if at all possible.  Usually I want to do it as fast as possible.  I have tried to pace myself, but on an Office Day, I research at a high lope, and, when I get in the field, it is so intense I don’t even take a break and eat on the drive so to speak. 

There is actually no pressure to work at a certain level, which may be why almost everyone I know works so intensely.  While we keep and activity sheet, I am not aware of any pressure to work at a certain pace.

It is hard to explain the feeling, but it is just an intense drive to resolve the accounts and it is fun.

I had planned to go “in the field” today, but it may have to be tomorrow, or maybe later today if it warms up.  I have a lot of office work I can do if it is too bad to get out, at least where I have to get out and walk a lot on what will be slick sidewalks and streets.  

Gas it up to the range of $2.15 per gallon by the way.  Still not bad, but a lot more than the $1.54  per gallonI paid just a short time ago.  

Even when gas was at it’s cheapest, I didn’t regret buying a hybrid.  If t is fun to drive and no matter what the cost of gas, I am still saving money.  Also, as I mentioned before, I am happy to think I am avoiding using oil and maybe in a very insignificant small way, am reducing the income of some of the oil-producing countries whch support  terrorists etc.

The City election I mentioned was won by a candidate who got 60% of the vote.  This District has to have about (very roughly, I need to check) about 90,000 registered voters and 1700 or so voted!  

The person who won is the one we supported, and I am sure he will do a good job.  He probably would have won even if 100% of the registered voters voted, but that isn’t the point.  

We are still looking at houses, we have one we are going to look at when we can get around in the snow.  

Thus far, we haven’t really found one we would be that interested in, at least at what they are asking.  We have seen some possibles. 

Earthquakes are a concern.  Even though they have all been minor and aren’t that prevalent in the area we want to live, you never know when they will start. Decent earthquake insurance isn’t that good (high deductibles and high small print basically making the policy worthless).  

There was a story on the news, something like out of over 100 earthquake insurance claims, eight were paid due to the small print  exclusions.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, March 5, 2015, on a snowy day.

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