Monday, March 02, 2015

Winter 2015 March 2 Monday

27 degrees this morning.  No walk etc.  (ice and snow)

I don’t mind missing my walk occasionally, but three days in a row is too much!  I hate to miss it, but decided the chance there is still some ice etc. was too great a chance.

Hopefully, I can resume by walk tomorrow morning.  I don’t think I”m missed more than one day in a row since late August.

Aliene is still not feeling well, although she is starting to feel better.  It  was not “just” a 24 hour bug,  or she developed other symptoms after the first episode.  

March 2.  Start of another month, another season soon.  

Waiting out the snow an ice, spent the day in the house reading etc., except for getting the paper etc.   The ice and snow are almost melted away, but it is still areas where it refroze etc.

I am ready for he snow an ice to leave!

Should have some new Accounts today, at work,  or if not today, tomorrow.  I always look forward to the new accounts for the challenges involved and they aways are present a new aspect.  Makes it interesting.  

Election for our Council Member is this Tuesday.  I hope it is good weather.  One of the candidates came by (we missed him), but I e-mailed him of my thoughts about sidewalks, bike /pedestrian, and “planning for the residents” .  

He e-mailed back he agreed with me and would work for that if elected.   Based on his history, I think he was sincere.  At least now I feel like I can contact him about projects.  

He also advised he would support a better recycling program.  I really don’t understand thy that hasn’t been a priority for a long time instead of he obsolete system they use now.  

At times I feel like just throwing it all in the bin since I doubt if they really recycle 50% of it, but I can’t bring myself to do that.   

I don’t think our neighborhood (or even our District) is all that politically involved.  The retail an developers appear to be the major forces around here like in a lot of cities.  

Not that they they don’t  care about the residents, I”m sure they do, but somehow the priorities of the developers an retail etc. take priority when decisions are made.  

In the end, if they take care of the residents, the developers and retail make out well also, but it is hard for anyone to accept that as a daily decision consideration.  

They do have a reasonably good “city app” and I have taken pictures of erosion problems (leading to dirt on the street where I walk) and they came out reasonably fast and resolved it and e-mailed me for any comments I had.  Not bad. 

Maybe I should take pictures of he areas without sidewalks, the failure to provide for adequate turn lanes resulting in severe traffic hazards etc. 

I, probably more than anyone, realize how much time ti take s to correct traffic problems etc.  However, what I don’t like is they aren't taking the opportunity with new businesses to resolve the problems.  Doesn’t bode well for the future.  

I really wish there was a neighborhood group or group that got involved in local affairs.  There probably is, I’m just not aware of them.

That’s it for now, Monday, March 2, 2015.

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