Spring 2015 March 20 Friday (Spring, Basketball and Planning)
46 degrees this morning, 45:06 minutes walking
Spring and Friday! What could be better! Throw in the NCAA Basketball tournament and what could be better! Rain most of day yesterday. We started watching our tapes of the tournament games at 4:00 p.m. and avoided most references to scores etc. Last I heard there was five 1-point games, which is amazing!
I didn’t pay much attention to college basketball (other than when I was in college) until I was sick one time during the NCAA Tournament. It was when they replayed the games 24 hours per day. I probably had the flu, and I slept a lot, and I’d wake up and watch the ending of one game and then sleep and then watch the ending of another game.
I was “in the field” most of the day, working in a different area than the area I normally work.
Any time I try to walk i in/after the rain, I get disgusted at the failure of this city to control the developers and builders and let them run wild without using any drainage controls or keeping mud off the street (or at least cleaning it off decent after they get muddy).
This is a “strong developer” and “strong builder” city. They pretty well get to to do what they want. Commerical is the same way, I can’t believe some of the poor (and dangerous) designs they let get built.
For example a huge 12 bay gas station was built since we got here, with no turn lanes, and entrances less than 20 feet from the intersection. I don’t understand how such poor planning gets approved.
Kind of worries me about buying a house here, since they really don’t care about residential values etc. and give such priority to builders, developers and commercial development. (The house we are looking at buying is in the same city, although it is right next-within 250’ of the adjacent city with decent bike paths etc.)
Aliene is going in for neck surgery in the near future, so we are mentally and otherwise preparing for that. It is a relatively routine procedure, and hopefully it will stop the persistent headaches she has been having (form compression in her neck, I don’t pretend to understand it well enough to explain although it makes sense when the Doctor explains it.)
We are in the process of waiting to see if the loan and everything else goes through. If so, we will be moving starting in mid-May and we have until June 30 when the lease expires on the present house.
Our new house is almost exactly the same size as our current house although the arrangement of the rooms is significantly different. It will be nice to feel a sense of permanence, or at least “temporary permanence” so to speak and have a house we feel we don’t have to worry about hanging pictures etc. or planting some flowers. Of course, you always worry about getting bad neighbors, a major defect in the house after the guarantee period etc. (or at least I do).
I am going to try to go the minimalists route and donate items before we move, although we are also going to make a major “getting rid of” effort after we move also.
Another, very short, dream I had during my “after walk” nap yesterday:
Dream in a car. For some reason the person I was with could get a small cup of coffee (kind of like a shot glass of coffee), but I couldn’t get any in a larger glass.
We were driving in a car in a downtown type city area.
I didn’t recognize the car or the person I was with or anything else.
This is all I remember from the dream. I thought I was awake and didn’t realize I was asleep until I remembered the dream.
Anyway, that’s it for now, Friday, March 20, 2015, the First Day of Spring 2015!!!!
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