Winter 2015 March 15 Sunday
42 degrees this morning 46:01 minutes walk
Looks like at least the original step in purchasing a house have been completed, although there are still some phases we need to complete before we actually own the house. We think we will really like it, at least it is one of the best ones we have looked at, if not one of the best ones to look at.
It was at the place where we could make some changes that will make it more livable for us.
it is becoming more and more like Spring. I see a lot of Bradford Pears, but no crocus or other flowers, which is rather strange. At least 42 degrees now seems cool rather than warm!
This wasn’t really a pleasant day, but it is like a Spring Day, with a chill and cloudy.
I have enjoyed listening to a trilogy since probably in November. I finished the final part “Edge of Eternity” this morning. It will be quite a change to start listening to smoothing else when I walk in the morning!
I have really enjoyed listening to it, even though he spent too much time on some events and got carried away with the fiction part of the “historical fiction” when I think his imagination got a little too carried away.
The book finished right as I started my walk, so I listened to some Spanish lessons and then some music during my walk. It was nice to hear Joan Baez again, she has such a clear, wonderful voice.
I am listening to books, podcasts etc. so much any more I just realized I almost never listen to music, although I do while I’m reading and working on my computer, especially early in the morning.
I have been carefully considering my next book to listen to. I have to spend a month with it (assuming it is in the normal range of 10 to 12 hours), so I pick carefully. I haven’t decided if I’ll go with fiction or non-fiction.
The dreams I can remember when I wake up have not reason to why I can remember some so distinctly and can’t remember anything about the other dreams. I’ll try to figure that out also. Maybe the more intense the dream, the better I remember it.
Speaking of dreams, I had a vivid intense dream right after I went to sleep last night. I woke up about 15 minutes after going to sleep and decided to record it.
Dream: 3-14-15
I was n a high room in a hotel or perhaps a very high office building. I went out to visit someone as part of my (current) job.
For some reason I decided to walk, but decided it was too long, so I returned.
Strangely enough even though I had seen miles of lights out my window in the motel room, I was walking on a deserted street. It reminded me of the vacant land by the school in Waldo, Kansas, where I went to 8th, 9th and 10th grades.
The next thing I remember I was in a factory and I was walking around a factory. For some reason I wan’t wearing a shirt.
No one paid any attention to me and I just wandered around the factory like a ghost.
Just as I was leaving, I saw my sport coat on the floor but didn’t see a shirt.
The foreman /Supervisor came out and said they were missing something so I needed to be inspected. (Some kind of card).
I thought I didn’t have my badge with me (on my job I carry a badge, but show it only if necessary) and I got worried that I didn’t have my badge.
He ran some kind of machine over me to see if I had eaten whatever they were mission.g
I don’t recall what happened, but then I was then up in a motel room, high above a city. There were a lot of lights below. It seemed like a hotel room with a big room attached to it.
Someone came in to see me. At first I thought it was the factory person and then I realized it was someone with the Oklahoma Municipal League (someone from my time in Harrah, Oklahoma)
I couldn’t get the the lights on and they were dim. I realized they were the “emergency lights” I looked out and all over the city the lights were either out or dim.
It was an enormous city, probably Shanghai, or like Shanghai.
The lights started to come back on and I woke up.
That’s it for now, Sunday, March 15, 2015
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