49 degrees this morning. 46:28 minutes walk
Daylight Savings Time yesterday For the first time in my memory, I actually forgot about the DST until Aliene mentioned it about 10:45 p.m. Saturday night.
That may not sound so bad, but I don’t use a clock to wake up and when the time changes, I take a few minutes to mentally prepare myself for the time change. Anyway, I woke up late, so I was rushed and somehow I forgot to post this journal. Ken (my cousin) e-mailed me Sunday afternoon and asked if I had written a blog. i had, but I hadn’t posted it! So I quickly posted it!
Read this morning that Algorithms write many finance and sports stories. I know now why they are so boring.
They gave two examples, one written by an Algorithm, one by a human. I knew immediately which one was the robot. The writer seemed to think it would be difficult to tell the difference, but it wasn’t.
I don’t have anything against Algorithm writing, actually, but I think to say it is as good as human writing is a stretch (or at least as good as some human writing. I’m sure there is both good and bad Algorithm and human writing.
I read a book on how Algorithm’s are used and the wonderful (and devious) things they can do.
I owe a friend of mine a big “thanks” since he told ma a trick that I will never forget. I was having a horrible time pronouncing “algorithm” and he told me just say “Al Gore rhythm”. I never forgot how to pronounce it again.
Now, spelling it, or saying how it works….. is a different story.
Speaking of my friend who told me this, I miss his dry sense of humor. Actually, where I live now, I miss his planning skills. I think their idea of planning here is to take the developers plans, ask if they are sure they want to give so much land for open space or if they can shoe horn in a few more houses, and consider it done. This is a “Strong Developer” state. I have never seen such bad planning, still allowing HUGE developments with little or no or little park space (even when the houses are all minimum of 4 bedrooms and there is an elementary school around the corner), no open space, no provision for the increased traffic and on and on. It is really horrible.
I need to recount a dream I had this morning. It was very intense (maybe it was trying to remind me to post my blog)! I had several more intense dreams last night and early this morning, but I didn’t remember them long enough to write down.
Dream after my morning walk.
I dreamed I was in a small room in a Public Library. There were also other offices and small rooms around and a fireplace. I was dressed in what I wear for my walk in cold weather, a balaclava and a pullover type of hat and a set of headphones (the type that fit in your ear).
I was in a room trying to build a model house. For some reason the staff didn’t want me building a model house and someone else was vaguely trying to help..
A security guard came in. He reminded me someone who has been an authority figure to me.
I asked him for instructions for building a house and he told me I shouldn’t be building houses.
A woman walked over to him and said “he wasn’t building a church, he was building a house.
The guard said it didn’t matter and sat down where he could watch me, but I kept quietly building the model house anyway.
Several persons were vaguely in the background watching me build the model house and making disapproving noises.
My alarm went off (I use an alarm for my short naps')
It was a very intense vivid dream, although it was in that semi light darkness that many of my dreams appear.
When i woke up it took a bit of time before I realized it wasn’t real.
Strange, since I think of libraries as freedom, not oppression.
It may relate the book I am listening to during my walk, a major part of the story currently is about Poland, when the Solidarity movement was trying to get their freedom.
It was one of those dreams I wanted to go back to sleep and continue to see what happened,s o apparently it wasn’t all unpleasant.
In fact, I think I was enjoying challenging authority, whatever authority there was.
That’s it for now, Monday, March 9, 2015
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