Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall 2013 October 31

70 degrees this morning, raining.  Didn't walk or bike, did stationary bike.  I always feel like I"m missing something when I don't do all of my exercises, especially walking.  When I don't exercise, I feel like I should have extra time, but I actually don't because I still need to read the papers, drive (rather than bike) to the gym etc.
Twelve years ago, October 31 was my last day of work at my last place of employment and tomorrow, November 1, I started here.  I actually traveled out here today and we actually had candy  etc. and ran out.  
Aliene and I both enjoy Lakeland (and Memphis) and it has been a great twelve years, no matter what may happen.  We experienced a different culture (to some degree), true "sweet tea" and the courtesy and hospitality of the Memphis area.  I am still amazed when we visit OKC (where I always though drivers were courteous) and feel like OKC drivers are a bunch of bad mannered drivers after experiencing the true courtesy of the Memhis area drivers.  I know, I know, there are bad drivers here too. 
Visit Dentist again tomorrow, hopefully last time before I have the "posts" put on my teeth implant area.  (I decided on "teeth" rather than "tooth" since I'm haven two implants.
I just discovered a neat "notify me" app in Evernote.  There is a minimum of fuss and muss and it is easy to put in a 'remainder" and set the time.  A quiet little notice pops up and I am reminded!  I have been trying to find some uses for Evernotes (and other apps) that are on my computer and iPhone, so it is nice to discover how useful it is.  I certainly have some apps that are overhyped and junk to say the least.
A "day of gray" today, since it is supposed to rain all day.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall 2013 October 30

66 degrees this morning.  
Wednesday, work week is almost half over!  
Daylight Savings Time ends next Sunday.  While I don't like the shortened evenings of light, I really enjoy the "extra" hour on the Sunday when DST ends.  I try to make sure i am aware of the extra hour and use it.
Hearing the birds this morning reminds me of when we had the bird feeders.  We really enjoyed watching the birds, but it also attracted so many pests and varmints, we finally had to stop.  
Halloween tomorrow.  After ups and downs, we finally quit participating in giving "treats" on Halloween and either go out, or hole up without the front light on.  Some years we would have none, some years we would be out in a short time.  
I remember when I was i high school "shocking" sorghum (I think, maybe it was something else).  It was extremely hard work and you (or at least I did) always worried about there being snake in the shocks!   I don't recall ever getting "shocked" by a snake in the shocks,, but it was always a fear.
I remember the meals the farmer would make.  They are absolutely wonderful!  
Speaking of weight, I have maintained my current weight (5 lbs either way) for almost a year.  Time to go after that last 10-15 libs!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall 2013 October 29

57 degrees this morning, relatively  to yesterday, almost seems warm.  
Tuesday, going to be a busy day today, with meetings etc.
Working on learning "Evernote".  Generally, a little disappointed in it, but I am learning new features.  I have had it for years (even the premium part) but have never really learned the full features of it and I am surprised at some of the limitations (as well as the crashes that concern me about the safety of the data).  However, I am learning new features and am appreciating it more every day. Highrisehq is a good database, but is expensive and tends to fail to save entries if you aren't careful.  The free Google apps are especially excellent also. All my opinion, of course.
However, nothing can beat the convenience of the Apple iCloud, especially when coupled with Notes, Reminders, and Contacts.  (The iCalendar, I find a little more challenging to use, although I am learning.)  I make one entry and it is reflected on my phone, tablet and computer.  I also acts as a nice backup.
I now am eating my breakfast right after my nap.  It helps me keep up with the time better, but I am still amazed at the how fast the morning goes.  "Hyper time" is truly the word for how time passes in the morning.  
October 2013 is ending.  I really have a difficult time realizing 2014 is almost here.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall 2013 October 28

57 degrees this morning.  Somewhat froggy, which make it seem much cooler.  
Weekend is over, new week begins.  I always look forward to a new week (as I do a weekend) as a blank slate to accomplish some things.  Of course, around the middle of the week, I realize it is the same old/same old and I'' lucky to keep up!  (Not really, I normally accomplish quite a bit on my "pile" (both literally and otherwise), it is just that so much more new projects are added to the pile!
As I grow older, I have noticed my interest in "things" is much less.  I have enough junk, so I try to be very careful what new junk I add!  We have been trying to get rid of these that just cause "clutter", and it is difficult to let go if items, even ones I haven't used for decades!  I use the "just one" method of disposing of stuff (just one per day) and that helps.  I didn't have any problem at all of getting rid of my clothes that I couldn't wear anymore because I had lost weight!  I've learned to let old magazines go, and certainly newspapers as soon as a new cone comes out.  Books are another problem!  I have a problem with even getting rid of one book, even when I know I will never read it again.  I like the option!
One thing about electronics (old phones, iPads, computers etc.) they make them simply obsolete.  Of course, an old iPhone or iPad made a great "iPod Touch",  so I not only have my iPods, I have 2 old iPhones and an old iPad that is great for music, books etc.  Of course when their battery goes out, they probably aren't worth getting a battery for, so even then at least I feel comfortable donating it or giving it away.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall 2013 October 27

54 degrees, very pleasant outside.
The World Series this year has special interest and emotional impact for us this year because of the tie of so many of the St. Louis Cardinals as former Memphis Redbirds, many whom we watched as late as last Summer, some (such as Wong and Chambers) who were called up in the last part of the Redbirds season.  I have never had more of an interest in the World Series as I have had before.
Speaking of sports, I was surprised (and pleased) to read the New York Times article saying the Memphis Grizzles had the talent etc. to go all the way to the NBA finals and even win this year.  While I don't watch pro basketball much, I think Memphis deserves it and I do like the Grizzle players and respect them for their community service and ties to the Memphis community and the enjoyment they give many people.  While in general I think sports are overemphasized, I recognize the psyche connection and uplift from the "Memphis Grizzles" basketball team doing well.  
Volunteered (a litte bit, at the first and last, Aliene worked the entire time) at the Lakeland Halloween Fest last night.  It was fun to watch the children enjoy the occasion.  
It seems like Daylight Saving Time should be starting (or maybe ending is the right word) this weekend, but it must be next weekend.  After I learned "Spring Forward, Fall Back" I finally got it straight on how to adjust the time!  I really enjoy the "extra" hour I get each Fall, kind of like flying to the west time zones when you "gain" an hour or two hours. Of course, it really hurts when I have to "give" the time back and "lose" on hour or two!
I like the idea of having a day (today, Sunday) with nothing to do, other than the Sunday morning routine.  Although I have plenty to do, at least I can arrange how and when I do it.
Leaves are really turning, Fall is here.   

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall 2013 October 26

34 degrees this morning.  Fall is definitely here!  
It seems it has gotten cool earlier than normal this year, but I doubt that that is really the case.  For some reason October has seemed like a vey long month. 
Saturday morning, basically the start of the weekend.  Traditionally (for whatever reason) I don't make my usual coffee at home on Saturday or Sunday (although I may make a cup or two) morning.  I think I stared  it since we go out to eat most Saturday and Sunday mornings.  We are looking for a new "normal" Saturday morning breakfast place.  We are going to try several places before we become "regulars" someplace.  (We eat at Steak n Shake for breakfast on Sunday.)  We live near a lot of restaurants (Steak n Shake, Cracker Barrel, IHop, Bob Evans etc.), but it has been difficult for Aliene to find a place that has signifiant gluten free alternatives.
Considering whether "steel cut oatmeal" is worth the trouble over my current "oatmeal" (actually "one minute instant oatmeal), It is he same carbs, but lower glycemic index and it is supposed to be better.  I eat mine with blueberries (where available), strawberries,  and cranberries, so I get a lot of carbs (especially when I include honey, which i do sometimes.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall 2013 October 25

39 degrees.  Really not that bad.  Bike ride (the outside part) and walk was fine.
Comcast internet was apparently down this morning.  Thank goodness I have backup DSL.  The DSL has always been spotty, but it is working great with my MacBook Air.  
Time is a real problem in the morning.  I know I need to set priorities on getting things done, but I schedule things so close, any little thing (such as having to take the dishes out of the dishwasher!, which just happened) can throw off my schedule.  I love the morning time, but it is "hyper time" that seems to move twice as fast.  
Friday,  I am looking forward to the weekend, mainly as a time I can catch up on some work and other things!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall 2013 October 24

45 degrees this morning.  Cool, but not cold.
We watched many of the St. Louis Cardinals who started in the World Series as Memphis Redbirds THIS summer and over the past several seasons.  Going to the Redbirds games has actually turned us from Chicago Cub fans to St. Louis Cardinal fans as we watched the players develop.  Don't get me wrong-we are still strong Cubs fans, but we ALMOST are as fanatic Cardinal fans
So, last night, it was like watching your children (or person you have mentored etc.) get a big chance and blow it as they made stupid errors etc.  You love them anyway, but the pain is a bit deeper when we watched the players develop from hopefuls (although AAA is excellent anyway) into big league stars.  Of course, we have faith in them.  We saw them stumble and get back up as Memphis Redbirds and St. Louis Cardinals and we have faith!
It probably is worse in that baseball is our favorite sport.  We can take or leave pro football (but like college) and don't care for pro basketball at all (although we think the Grizzles are special), so it is a special treat to see one of our two favorite teams make it to the top.  Aliene is actually a better baseball fan then I am.  She recognizes the players and is good at knowing the basic strategic.
Thinking about disappointments this morning, I have to think about my disappointment at never being able to find a coffee cup I can using while driving.  Either it spills, or drips, or breaks or whatever.  The McDonalds coffee cup is actually the best, and I have a lot of candidates for the absolute worst travel mug or car coffee cup.  It seems it shouldn't be that hard to invent one that doesn't spill, drip or break etc!  I have tried all types (yes Starbucks is actually one of the worst) and I have tried several of their mugs, they don't work

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall 2013 October 23

52 degrees this morning, clear.
I am both surprised and pleased that two of my iPod Shuffles (the old chewing gum stick size) still have battery and appear to be healthy.  They are at least six years old.  
Watched "Jarhead" last night on Netflex.  It was a lot better movie than it was a book, at least when we listened to the book, we weren't impressed.  The movie is ok.  We don't watch a lot of movies (due to time).  I have probably watched less than 10 movies in the past 12 years.  I enjoy movies, but haven't got the time, either at home or at the theatre.  We didn't really even intend to watch "Jarhead", I just happened to see it and turn it on.
Amazon raised their price for free shipping, in an apparent attempt to persuade people to use the $79 plan.  Actually, except for the no sales tax, I have never cared for Amazon that much.  Their customer service is horrible and I can normally match their prices, if it wasn't for the sales tax break.  Or like yesterday, I was looking for a "Fitt One" and found one on Amazon for $69, everywhere else at $99.  I thought, I'll grab that and then found there was a $30 "Shipping and handling" charge!  Kind of what I have come to expect from Amazon.
I heard yesterday that "of all the persons in history who have even lived to 65 or over, 50% of them are alive today".   I'm not quite sure how they know that, but it is an interesting statistic.
Dental appointment today, hopefully it will find that the area of the dental surgery is healing well (for two teeth to be implanted) and the implant procedure can proceed, although he next step ("planting the poles for the implanted teeth) won't happen for at least 3 more months.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall 2013 October 22

54 degrees, light rain (streets wet). Did bicycle due to wet streets.  I need to start riding on wet streets/in the rain some time, but... 
At the Doctors office yesterday, the Nurse asked me if I exercised (how often, every day); smoked (no); used alcohol or drugs (no); drank coffee (yes); how much (10 cups per day at least)-- A definite pause!  (I quickly noted I don't drink carbonated drinks of any type (due to GERD) and it is my "only vice"!  Always nice when the Doctor tells you to "come back in a year!
I don't know if peanut butter is a vice or not, I always believe moderation is the key, but I have problems being moderate in my use of coffee and peanut butte!
Apple unveils the new iPad, iPad mini and whatever else today!  
Eating "first" thing in the morning after my nap has really helped me control my "morning time", although too much dawdling is still a problem.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall 2013 October 21

45 degrees, I can feel the cold creeping in
39 years ago today I started my first "real" job working for a City, the City of Liberal, Kansas.  I drove around early in the morning and looked over the City.  I don't remember a lot about my first several days, except the City Manager showing me my office and advising he wanted me to get a grant (which I did).  
I didn't have any idea where it would lead me 39 years later.  I still remember after I had been there several months and standing in line for  a movie, I thought "I help make the lives of everyone in line better" in my job and a chill went down my back and I was hooked.
Found some blueberries finally.  They were relatively more expensive and they didn't have a lot of them but I took one tray of them.  I ate some this morning and they are excellent quality, so I hope the great blueberry famine of 2013 is over.  I blended in some strawberries and cranberries also (into my Oatmeal that is).  I missed the blueberries and hope they are in generally good supply.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall 2013 October 20

39 degrees this morning.  Didn't seem to be that bad, exercise went fine. 
Weekend half over.  We tried a new place for breakfast yesterday "Brother Juniper's" .  We have a wide variety of excellent restaurants within two or three miles, so we hardly ever get out of our area to eat out anymore.  However, after we decided to stop eating at Starbucks (we'll still enjoy the coffee!), we thought we would try something different.  Brother Juniper's has been rated as the "Best Breakfast" in Memphis.  It was certainly enjoyable and the service was excellent.  Parking was non-existent and there was a 30 minute wait at 8 a.m. (not a bad wait, coffee was available, some seating if you moved fast and some paintings to look at, but don't try it if you're in a hurry).  
My major yardstick, the coffee, rated five stars.  A different taste, but excellent and the service was really outstanding.  Coffee was refilled constantly, which I appreciate.
Speaking of coffee, some of the best coffee places are Starbucks, Steak n Shake, and Firebirds.  Bob Evans and Cracker Barrel coffee isn't quite as good (to me) for some reason, I definitely will drink it, it just isn't quite as good as the others.
 J. Alexanders coffee is luckwarm and undrinkable, just eat there and go across the street to Starbucks.  Also, forget it at On the Border, they just don't know how to do it.  
TGIFridays and Bahama Breeze seem to use some  type of instant coffee which is almost undrinkable.  Save your money.  I don't eat at Logan's Roadhouse much (no reason, just don't, I love their meat loaf) but I believe the coffee is usually ok.  I have learned to just not order coffee at any Mexican or Chinese/Japanese/Thia etc. restaurant.  You're either get some junky instant coffee or they just don't know how to do coffee.
Ruby Tuesday's also has excellent coffee.  Perkins has so so coffee, just tastes somewhat like Cracker Barrel and Bob Evans.  Rafferty's has excellent coffee, just insist on it being fresh (same at Firebirds).  The Blue Plate always has  excellent coffee, although we hardly eat there anymore (too far to drive).  After a weird experience with the Manager at the Texas Roadhouse (she is gluten intolerant and was more or less told to eat elsewhere by the Manager,) we haven't been back, but I seem to remember their coffee was ok.  O'Charlie's is uneven, if you insist on hot fresh coffee you will get it and it is good.
Macaroni Grill can have excellent coffee, but they seem to have a no refill policy, so I just save my money.  Red Lobster?  If I remember correctly, save your money, like almost any seafood place.  
What I resent most is paying $2 to $3 for a cup of coffee and then getting a tepid, old cup of coffee or not getting refills.  I assume the coffee doesn't cost much and they make a big profit on it.  I don't care, I'll pay, I just want a fresh cup of hot coffee with reasonably frequent refills!  
I could go over iced tea, but it is difficult to get tea as strong as I like it, but Steak n Shake has excellent strong tea. Most places in Memphis have good tea.  I don't even think about ordering tea in Oklahoma City, all you will get is slightly favored water.  
It has been a cool, but nice weekend.  I have my annual "audiocardigram" (or something like that) tomorrow.  Like the annual physical, I always am slightly stressed about the Doctor saying "I see a problem", but I believe it is better to know, than not know, if there actually is a problem.  
I have always had a very low heartbeat (38-40) and I'm not that worried about it, but I recently read in Dr.K about how it can indicate problems.  Of course, every new Doctor I sees checks it out and it is just normal for me.  
Looking forward to a day of slightly flexible time.  I have some things to catch up on etc., but at least I can do it on my own schedule.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall 2013 August 19

57 degrees, clear
Read in the WSJ this morning that the "left brain/right brain" theory is NOT correct.  It is based on some experiments (that would not be ethical today, probably) on patients with epilepsy 50 years ago and was not a valid basis.  Somehow, this gives me a sense of satisfaction after sitting through, or seeing innumerable books and articles touting the "left brain/right brain" drivel.  It is so good to be proved correct that it is not true!  I'll discard any books I have on "left brain/right brain", although I doubt if I have any.
We are planning on trying a new place for breakfast this morning.  We have been going to Starbucks, and while I love their coffee and atmosphere, their breakfast just isn't very good and is expensive for what it is.  Their "wraps" are frequently either over or under cooked and generally just aren't good.  Their coffee is great.  Aline loved the coffee drink she ordered, but the milk was disagreeing with her.  
Halloween is coming up.   I never was thrilled by this event, to be honest.  Too much like extortion, kind of like when you are in a store and they ask you to "add a dollar" for THEIR favorite charity.  I'll give to where I want, thanks.  Of course, 50% of the time the clerk acts snotty about it, like you are in the wrong for not giving in to their extortion attempt.  (However, how to I REALLY know that the money goes to the charity mentioned?  I have not gone back to shop at several places after such an incident.)  Kind of like Sams and Costco when they try to hardsell you on their "premium" memberships.  
Glad the weekend is here.  Frankly, I could use the break.  
Sounds like a storm coming in, wind is up (7:21 a.m., Saturday, October 19).  A review of the "weather app" indicates a brief rain storm is coming in.  The information provided by the "weather app" is amazing as are many of the other "apps" and the way the "iCloud" works.  It is so nice to be able to make a note, calendar entry or contact and it appears on all your computers.   Apple products are wonderful (when they work like they are supposed to). 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall 2013 October 18

47 degrees today, clear.
I believe "cold weather" is relative.  I remember when I was in the Air Force and stationed at Goose Bay Labrador,  it was a lot colder than this (this was summer weather), but it didn't bother me any more than cold weather does now.  I may not be recalling accurately, but I remember weather way below freezing and it wasn't all that bad if you were acclimated to it.
Breakfast right after my morning nap is working well.  I can gauge my time a lot better. 
Yesterday, someone mentioned Thanksgiving and I realized Thanksgiving is only a month or so away!  (Actually a month and a week).  Christmas/other Holidays right after that.  Time speeds by.  
I am slowly (very slowly) reading the physical copy of "The Willpower Instinct" and working through it.  Not boring at all, just takes time.  Incorporating it into my daily routine is the hardest part.  Another weekend coming up.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall 2013 August 17

57 degrees today, some light rain.  
Busy day today, business lunch, meetings tonight.  Walked, debating whether to ride my bicycle when it was decided by a light rain starting.  
When I stop and think about it, I am surprised by the number of people out at 4 a.m. to exercise.  Although I literally never talk with anyone, i feel a sense of connection to the people who are there every morning, especially the ones who have been coming at the same time (and usually use the same machine and park in the same spot) each morning.  Weekends, I am frequently the only one there.
My experiment of "eating first" (right after my post exercise/shower nap) is working well.  It seems to help me control my time.  It takes an amazing amount of time to eat in the morning.  I try to "multitask", but it still takes time to cook the oatmeal, cut up the strawberries (when I am out of blueberries I eat strawberries), cut the apple and even the time to eat breakfast.  It is probably somewhat complicated by my reading the on-line edition of the USA Today while I eat, which can take time. Amazing how much time you can waste by trivial or frivolous things.
That is what always irritates me about things like light bulbs going out, tangled cords, etc., not the act itself, but the time it takes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall 2013 October 16

66 degrees, rain.  Able to walk, but couldn't cycle outside (did do the stationary bike).  I miss it when it rains, but after a fall several years ago (just some scrapes and scratches, but I was surprised at the number since was a low speed fall), I decided to avoid riding in the rain, although I will need to learn to ride in the rain.  The fall several years ago occurred when I hit a wet manhole and the wheel slid.
I am still planning my "ride with the summer" some year when I start in Texas and "ride with the Summer" to Canada.  I have a lot of practice to do yet.  While I ride almost every day, will need to get my daily distance up.  
Of course, my major concern is a good route to follow.  Fortunately there are more and more off-road trails I can take, which would help.   There is a "Ride Across Tennessee" (not known as "RAT" I hope) that I can take.  I should have gone this year, it was close to Lakeland but I didn't feel prepared and it feel on a bad day.
Went to the dental surgeon yesterday, he advised my tooth implant area was doing good, but he wanted me to continue an antibiotic and see him next week.  
Rain continues.  I know we "need rain", but....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall 2013 October 15

66 degrees, crisp
Blueberries, where are you!  After at least four years of year-round blueberries, I now am bereft of blueberries, can't find any at any price!  I guess I can look back when I was able to enjoy them year round.  I read up on it, and there are various reasons, including high demand, lack of bees, drought, etc.  I may have to grow my own!  
Dentist visit today, he will look at the area of the implant (now extraction, waiting for an implant) to make sure there is no infection.  I have about 4 more months before the "poles" are put in for the "implanted" teeth.  Fortunately, my dental insurance will cover it as a new project each year, so I can use the full amount.  The Cafeteria Plan helps also, at least makes it tax free.
I remember at one City October 15 was when the Police Department went to long sleeves (and April 15 to short) regardless of the weather.  I would have been somewhat chilly in short sleeves (at least at night and early morning) the past several weeks.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall 2013 October 14

61 degrees.  Somehow it seems as if there is more of a chill in the air than other times when it was even colder.
I am continually frustrated (well, that may be a little strong, maybe disappointed) in my inability to find the time to learn the finer points of computers and programs (such as this one).  I know I am only scraping the surface maybe (or even that) of this program, other programs and computers/ipads/iphone etc.   I really realize it when I visit the Apple store and watch in amazement as they do all kind os shortcuts etc.  (Which I may or may not remember).  I realize how little I know.
Of course, i realize how really little I know in a lot of areas.  I decided a long time ago to not worry about it and concentrate o knowing where to look.  I know that the best way to learn something is to decide what you want to do and then find the way to do it (kind of like, "when the student is ready, the master appears), but sometimes the technology is so advanced I don't even know what it can do.
I am continuing my practice (on work days) of eating right after my morning nap instead of right before I go to work.  So far it is working well.  Along with my shortened procedure before I start exercising, it has saved me some time.  There is a time to dawdle  and a time not to dawdle.  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fall 2013 October 13

63 degrees, somewhat froggy.  As always, it seemed to have more of chill in the air.  However, good walk and ride.
Listening to Niall Ferguson, "The Ascent of Money:  A Financial History of the World" while I walk.  It is a fascinating book.  I will probably end up listening to it twice and/or buying the book to get the ideas out of it.  
Getting used to new listening device after my Apple 3rd generation Shuffles (the gumstick kind).  I don't care for the newer generation shuffles.  I am now using my old iPhone 3 I converted to an iPod Touch, and an ancient iPod with a very small screen.  They work well (in fact i use the old iPhone 3 for the books anyway, audiobooks don'w work on the 3rd generation shuffles.  It still amazes me how they work.
Tomorrow is "Columbus Day".  We don't get it as a "holiday" here, but it seems weird events always happened on Columbus Day when I got it as a holiday.  
Going to Apple store today, get Aliene's new iPhone started and I need to "clean" an old MacBook I am giving to Kali.

(Later in the day):  Wore shorts, t-shirt and scandals today, my favorite dress for hot weather etc.  Felt a little pain of regret as I hung them back up and I may not be wearing them again this year.  Overall, it was a great summer and I'll remember the Summer of 13 with pleasure and a warm feeling in my heart.  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall 2013 October 12

61 degrees.  Wonderful day yesterday, I hope it continues.
Watching DRV on St. Louis Cardinals game yesterday.  Somehow avoided seeing the score of yesterdays game.   We are actually Chicago Cub fans, but became St. Louis fans via way o attending the Memphis Redbirds games.   Many of the players on the St. Louis team are players we saw play (and develop their skills) with the Memphis Redbirds, so we have  become passionate St. Louis fans also.  (When Chicago and St. Louis play, we just kind of route for both teams.)
We haven't watched a pro-football game yet, probably will after the baseball season ends.  We have  watched college football.
Glad the weekend is here.  Even though I need to catch up some work, it really is nice to have the flexible time.  My early morning routine actually doesn't change that much, except I wait to eat until Aliene gets up.      
In Starbucks for breakfast and coffee.  We have adopted the routine of breakfast at Starbucks on Saturday and Steak n Steak on Sunday.  Still trying to avoid seeing the score for the St. Louis game.             

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall 2013 October 11

61 degrees this morning.  Dental surgery area feeling better.
Decided to live life on the edge this morning and change my morning routine!  Instead of eating breakfast right before I go to work, I ate it right after my nap (about an 1 1/2 earlier).  No real reason, except I hope it stops the last minute glitches that make me head out laster than I planned.  
I have decided to stop using the "draft" folder on e-mail.  It just gets me in trouble when I occasionally (and I mean very rarely) forget and leave something in my draft folder.  Of course, it is always something important or that I am embarrassed I didn't send.  I originally used the draft folder to give me time to go back and review important e-mails but....
Halloween is coming up.  For some reason, it is a day that I have have cared for, even "trick or treating" when I was a kid.  When I was in the 7th Grade we had a "give a penny for UNIEF (or something like that).  I went out and collected a bunch of pennies-I worked had at it and was proud of myself- when I got back, I realized I had asked for "a penny" while we really supposed to ask for "donations" and so my amount was woefully below everyone else.
Also in the 7th grade, I started a "Grit" (a weekly newspaper) route.  Sometimes almost freezing myself (I remember getting back home and my Mom putting my feet into hot water to get them warmed up) I built it up to 60 copies or $3.00 "profit" per week.  I felt like I was rich!  We moved and I sporadically started paper routes again, but never to that degree. 
Looking out the back window, I noticed the first obvious "turning" of the leaves.  Of course Fall is here and Winter is coming.  
We had to stop the bird feeding because of the varmints and pests it attracted.  We miss watching the birds.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall 2013 October 10

61 degrees.  Dental surgery area still bothers me, probably will call dentist. Rash is virtually gone.
My last two "original shuffles"  (I believe 3rd generation, the gum stick pack type) batteries apparently finally went out.  One went out several months ago and my last two went out this morning after about 7 years.  Not bad for a battery.  I really like them, much better than the new shuffles.  However, a battery costs $52 (last I checked) and a brand new one is $47 or so, so it doesn't make a lot of sense.  The battery actually costs $6.95, but it is hard to replace.  (Maybe my daughter can give it a try.  I have absolutely no skills in this area, she seems naturally outstanding at it.)  Maybe I'll check with the store in WolfChase Mall and see if they can put a battery in cheaper than $52.  I just don't care for the new iPod Shuffles.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Fall 2013 October 9

54 degrees.  Dental surgery still bothersome.  Rash almost gone.
Enjoyed my walk and bicycle.  
The days are getting shorter.  Looking at my coffee filters, I always wonder how such a stack of thin filters can be used to measure time.  The stack of filters gradually (incrementally) gets shorter, measuring time in an almost invisible manner.
Put out a lot of stuff we haven't used for years (and never will) for the Disabled Veterans today.  It is hard to give away stuff, but I do notice I buy a lot less "stuff" as I get older.  I read once that possessions are a burden, and that is certainly true, although that has be counterbalanced with the value the give to our lives. I am sure tomorrow we will find a use for something we threw away, but....I 'm still glad we are rid of it.  
Both of my iPod shuffles (early generation, about 7 years old) ran low on battery today.  I went ahead and used one and took the other one with me.  By luck, the first one went completely out right as I got back from my bicycle ride.  It is hard to beat Apple products when they are good.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Fall 2013 October 8

54 degrees this morning.  Dental surgery still somewhat discomforting.  Rash almost gone.
Busy day today, my a.m. post will be very short.  Good exercise this morning, I have found a way to shorten the time I "dawdle" in the morning before I start my walk.  (I do my daily journal on my cell phone instead of my computer, that is my "calendar" which is when I get up, what exercise I do, where I eat, etc.  
Listening to a book about "money".  Is is actually interesting, and in a way rather frightening, (perhaps puzzling is a better word) about inflation, the bond business, about what "backs" bonds etc.  I'm not sure what I enjoy more, the walks or the books that I listen to that, in all honesty, I probably wouldn't read otherwise!
(Later):  Very busy day, but generally rewarding.  

Monday, October 07, 2013

Fall 2013 October 7

48/50 degrees this morning.  Cool!  Dental surgery area still bothers me.  Rash has almost disappeared and my cold is gone.  
One thing I dislike about cooler weather is the extra time it takes to dress for my walk and bicycle ride!  Not a major thing, but the extra minutes count up in the morning hours!  It seems time goes twice as fast in the morning.  I call it "hypertime".  
A weekend of semi-relaxing and catching up on reading and work.  We spent some time trying to discard some items we hadn't used since we moved to this house.  We tried to look at items we never have used and determine if we would ever use it!  If not, we will liberate the item and donate it to the Disabled Veterans organization.  Hopefully they will make good use of it or sell it for their work.  
I am trying to discard one book at day, or at least a week!  It is really hard, every book has it's own story.  
We realized how much "stuff" we had and we decided it is time to get rid of it, plus in many cases we can use it on next year's tax return as a deduction, which is the primary reason.  
Back to my full exercise regime this morning.  Feels good.  I normally exercise in even the coldest weather, although I reserve the right to not exercise if it is slippery outside!  I actually got used to exercising in cold weather when I was in the Air Force and stationed in Goose Bay Labrador.  It SNOWED there and was COLD but I found I could walk if I wore the right clothes.  I actually rather enjoyed it.  Bicycling could have been a problem but I didn't bicycle back then.
Actually, I started bicycling about this time of year in 1999.  It was one of the best things I have ever done.  I developed a problem with my heels (I won't try to spell it) and I couldn't run my daily run, so I tried cycling.  I found I loved bicycling and I still do.
Going to be a busy week this week.  
I am now "reading" the book "The Willpower Instinct" after listening to it on my morning walk.  One thing they note is that what you eat can have a major affect on your willpower (as well as your health, immune system, weight etc.)
I can't eat dairy products because of some medicine I am taking for my dental surgery infection, so that will eliminate one of my major foods.  I believe diary foods lessens the effectiveness of the medicine.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Fall 2013 October 6

59 degrees this morning, rain.  Dental surgery area is still bothering me, but we'll se.  The rash is almost gone, thank goodness. 
Didn't walk, did drive to ATC and do stationary bike etc.  I don't know how much good the stationary bike really does for me, I enjoy it and like the feeling I'm multitasking and reading my newspaper while getting same exercise!
Worked on "Evernote" last night.  I've had it for years (even pay for the "premium" editionI), but don't really use it that much.  I decided I would learn how to use it.  It is impressive.  The lead learn time is rather long to really learn anything but the  basics, but I learned some procedures that will help.
One of my secret vices is reading some of the "comics" in the daily newspaper.  Sometimes I even learn something or find a special way of making a point.  There is a brother and sister, the sister comes in to lord it over her brother than she is going shopping with their mother.  The brother advises her he doesn't want to go shopping and it means he can do what he wants since she will be out (watch his favorite tv show etc.).  The last panel shows her crying to her mother that she doesn't want to go shopping, she wants to stay home!  A classic example of decision making.
Anther task I am trying to get resolved is put "Audiobooks" on CD's.  I decided I am going to tackle this and get it resolved.  While audiobooks on mp3 are nice, the CD's are still better until they made a better player.  Auditobooks have been less than helpful, almost adversarial on this, but hopefully finally learn to make a backup disk for use in the care. 

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Fall 2013 October 5

75 degrees this morning.   Sunny, but rain probably coming in.
Went back to surgeon about dental surgery.  He found a slight evidence of infection which isn't good.  I really don't want to have to redo the surgery again.  Antibiotics again, two this time, see what happens.  Rash has almost disappeared, still don't know what caused it.
Saturday morning, I like having the feeling the weekend is stretching before me, a blank canvas, although life is like that also, although sometimes the canvas is already partially (hopefully not completely) painted.  Perhaps it is drawn in and only the colors remain to be painted in in whatever shades I make it, hopefully it will be my decision.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Fall 2013 October 4

72/73 degrees today.  Still bothered by dental surgery, decide need to see oral surgeon before planned visit.  Rash has almost cleared up, but still skipped bicycle ride.  I will be so glad to get back to bicycle riding.  Don't know what it is, but there is a certain joy in riding a bicycle (and a lot of work also!)
Thank goodness it is Friday.  I enjoy my work, but I haven't had a free weekend for three weeks and I am ready for a weekend of somewhat leisure even if I work!  Hopefully I will get a chance to do some reading.  
I have been taking almost daily pictures of my back yard view to document the passing of the seasons.  It is on my Tumblr page.  It is interesting to note how much change there really is, but I don't realize it with the minute incremental change every day.
Still listening to book about "money" on my morning walk.  It is interesting.  I'll get the title and note it.  For over 20 years (since January of 1989) I have been keeping a listing of what book I have finished and the date.  I need to start doing that for the books I "listen" to.  It is a shock sometimes to look back and realize how much time has passed since I read a book.
I have always been a "reader".  When I was a child, I didn't have tv and I read everything I could get my hands on.  When I was in the third grade, I was reading my brothers and sisters high school literature books.  Doesn't mean I understood it (years later, I read something that I feel totally familiar with and am amazed at how older eyes interprets the story!  I don't read as much (for pleasure) as I used to, but I still read when possible.  I am glad Angela (my daughter) developed an interest in reading.  It is a true gift that I enjoy reading.  
Frog outside on back patio this morning.  Wish I had set outside to read, it is nice out.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Fall 2013 October 3

66 degrees this morning.  Still a little sore from dental surgery.  Rash appears to be slowly going away, maybe the medicine is working.  
I really miss bicycling and hope the rash clears up enough I can ride.
Listening to a book about "money" on my walk.  Rather interesting, as long as I concentrate on listening to it.  One problem with listening is my mind can wander and then I miss an important part of it and I can't go back and view what I missed.  (E-books, while not as difficult to go back, have the same general problem).  I don't know if I subconsciously hear the information even if my mind is wandering or not.  I think to some degree it does, at least the message gets through.
Is it true that "when one door closes, another door opens"?  Usually, I have found this to be true, although as my Uncle John mentioned, "sometimes it gets a little tense until another door opens".  I guess technically another door opens no matter what, whether it is a door to better or not if a matter of interpretation and perhaps opinion.  I think you could always say that the closing of one opportunity automatically opens other opportunities, just as making a decision closes other opportunities.  
I am always a little stunned by how fast the days get "shorter" (daylight) as the year progresses.  I never think of early October as the days being so short, but they are.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Fall 2013 October 2

70/73 degrees.  Happy Birthday to Aliene!  Today is her birthday, a major one that I will let her reveal!  She deserves a Happy Birthday and I'll do my best to make it so!
Still some numbness from dental surgery.  My rash is stall a problem but I think I see signs it is starting to recede, hopefully the medicine is helping.
I read this morning about "subscription book services" and I am already subscribing to the "subscription magazine service" and I have read about a newspaper subscription service.  These are similar to Netfix.  Probably not a good thing for me to onsider, considering my time limitations.
Aliene's birthday reminds me of my own age and how my view of age has changed as I grow older.  It seems the definition of "old" is always about 15 -30 years ahead of where I am !  I am lucky that I am still healthy and able to ride the bike etc.
My latest episode with a "cold" and rash are enough to make me realize how lucky I am.  Thank goodness I don't feel this bad all the time.
Michael and Molly's wedding was wonderful, and a really enjoyable experience.  It was fun watching everything  Vickie's 50th Birthday Party was also enjoyable, it was in a really neat coffee shop place called the Paramount.  Hope the Paramount is successful.  
Fall is here, winter is coming, marriage, birthdays and death.  The cycle of life continues.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Fall 2013 October 1, 2013

69/68 degrees.  Relatively warm.  
Missed September 29 and 30 posts, so this is not accidental.  I learned long ago not to try to "catch' up", all is does is frustrate you and makes it more likely you will quit all together.
Dental surgery area is filling the best it has felt since the surgery.  However, now I have developed a rest (possibly from the medicine).  It is is a place that I may aggravate  by  riding my bike, so I have limited my exercise to walking and weight lifting.  The Doctor gave me a shot and some medicine to put on the rash.  Thus far it hasn't helped, but we'll see!  
I enjoy walking and biking and really miss the biking.  I actually ride up to the gym and then "multi-task" by writing the stationary bike and reading my newspapers.  I lift weights at home.  
October 1, a new month.  Somehow September seemed to last forever, although I consciously know it is even shorter than most months!