Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall 2013 October 14

61 degrees.  Somehow it seems as if there is more of a chill in the air than other times when it was even colder.
I am continually frustrated (well, that may be a little strong, maybe disappointed) in my inability to find the time to learn the finer points of computers and programs (such as this one).  I know I am only scraping the surface maybe (or even that) of this program, other programs and computers/ipads/iphone etc.   I really realize it when I visit the Apple store and watch in amazement as they do all kind os shortcuts etc.  (Which I may or may not remember).  I realize how little I know.
Of course, i realize how really little I know in a lot of areas.  I decided a long time ago to not worry about it and concentrate o knowing where to look.  I know that the best way to learn something is to decide what you want to do and then find the way to do it (kind of like, "when the student is ready, the master appears), but sometimes the technology is so advanced I don't even know what it can do.
I am continuing my practice (on work days) of eating right after my morning nap instead of right before I go to work.  So far it is working well.  Along with my shortened procedure before I start exercising, it has saved me some time.  There is a time to dawdle  and a time not to dawdle.  

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