Friday, October 04, 2013

Fall 2013 October 4

72/73 degrees today.  Still bothered by dental surgery, decide need to see oral surgeon before planned visit.  Rash has almost cleared up, but still skipped bicycle ride.  I will be so glad to get back to bicycle riding.  Don't know what it is, but there is a certain joy in riding a bicycle (and a lot of work also!)
Thank goodness it is Friday.  I enjoy my work, but I haven't had a free weekend for three weeks and I am ready for a weekend of somewhat leisure even if I work!  Hopefully I will get a chance to do some reading.  
I have been taking almost daily pictures of my back yard view to document the passing of the seasons.  It is on my Tumblr page.  It is interesting to note how much change there really is, but I don't realize it with the minute incremental change every day.
Still listening to book about "money" on my morning walk.  It is interesting.  I'll get the title and note it.  For over 20 years (since January of 1989) I have been keeping a listing of what book I have finished and the date.  I need to start doing that for the books I "listen" to.  It is a shock sometimes to look back and realize how much time has passed since I read a book.
I have always been a "reader".  When I was a child, I didn't have tv and I read everything I could get my hands on.  When I was in the third grade, I was reading my brothers and sisters high school literature books.  Doesn't mean I understood it (years later, I read something that I feel totally familiar with and am amazed at how older eyes interprets the story!  I don't read as much (for pleasure) as I used to, but I still read when possible.  I am glad Angela (my daughter) developed an interest in reading.  It is a true gift that I enjoy reading.  
Frog outside on back patio this morning.  Wish I had set outside to read, it is nice out.

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