Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall 2013 October 28

57 degrees this morning.  Somewhat froggy, which make it seem much cooler.  
Weekend is over, new week begins.  I always look forward to a new week (as I do a weekend) as a blank slate to accomplish some things.  Of course, around the middle of the week, I realize it is the same old/same old and I'' lucky to keep up!  (Not really, I normally accomplish quite a bit on my "pile" (both literally and otherwise), it is just that so much more new projects are added to the pile!
As I grow older, I have noticed my interest in "things" is much less.  I have enough junk, so I try to be very careful what new junk I add!  We have been trying to get rid of these that just cause "clutter", and it is difficult to let go if items, even ones I haven't used for decades!  I use the "just one" method of disposing of stuff (just one per day) and that helps.  I didn't have any problem at all of getting rid of my clothes that I couldn't wear anymore because I had lost weight!  I've learned to let old magazines go, and certainly newspapers as soon as a new cone comes out.  Books are another problem!  I have a problem with even getting rid of one book, even when I know I will never read it again.  I like the option!
One thing about electronics (old phones, iPads, computers etc.) they make them simply obsolete.  Of course, an old iPhone or iPad made a great "iPod Touch",  so I not only have my iPods, I have 2 old iPhones and an old iPad that is great for music, books etc.  Of course when their battery goes out, they probably aren't worth getting a battery for, so even then at least I feel comfortable donating it or giving it away.  

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