Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Fall 2013 October 2

70/73 degrees.  Happy Birthday to Aliene!  Today is her birthday, a major one that I will let her reveal!  She deserves a Happy Birthday and I'll do my best to make it so!
Still some numbness from dental surgery.  My rash is stall a problem but I think I see signs it is starting to recede, hopefully the medicine is helping.
I read this morning about "subscription book services" and I am already subscribing to the "subscription magazine service" and I have read about a newspaper subscription service.  These are similar to Netfix.  Probably not a good thing for me to onsider, considering my time limitations.
Aliene's birthday reminds me of my own age and how my view of age has changed as I grow older.  It seems the definition of "old" is always about 15 -30 years ahead of where I am !  I am lucky that I am still healthy and able to ride the bike etc.
My latest episode with a "cold" and rash are enough to make me realize how lucky I am.  Thank goodness I don't feel this bad all the time.
Michael and Molly's wedding was wonderful, and a really enjoyable experience.  It was fun watching everything  Vickie's 50th Birthday Party was also enjoyable, it was in a really neat coffee shop place called the Paramount.  Hope the Paramount is successful.  
Fall is here, winter is coming, marriage, birthdays and death.  The cycle of life continues.

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