Wednesday, June 26, 2019

2019 Summer June 26 Wednesday


78 degrees this morning 78% humidity 

Wonderful day yesterday, Sunny and warm.  

My “work” iPhone is obviously trying to tell me something!  Yesterday, it suddenly showed “1%” battery and shutdown.  When I started it again, it showed 62% battery.  I checked the “battery strength” and it showed 86% rechargeable (or something like that) that is supposed to indicate the battery is still good.  

I have never really liked the “6” iPhones (of course I have a “6” and a “6 plus” for work.  Both of them are approaching 5 years old.  I am trying now to hang out for the new iPhones this Fall, at least for my personal phone.  I was kind of hoping my “work” iPhone would last several more years until I retired (or at least paid off my personal new iPhone!)

I’ll call Apple and see what the problem is, I just need to take the time to do it.  

I am getting close to pulling the  trigger on buying another MacBook Air, waiting until after the 4th. 

Sometimes, technology can get almost too good.  The “Nest” thermostats are wonderful, but the “Eco” stage will occasionally kick in when we are just quiet for awhile, strangely enough.  It is supposed to be connected to Aliene’s phone, so if her phone is here, the Eco stage will not kick in. 

Another “round tu it”!, I need to check our settings on this.  

We have gotten involved with using the Amazon Echo’s.  I’m sure we are using about 10% of their capacity, but we still use them quite a but.  We are waiting for the “car Echo” to become available, I think it will really increase our usage and convenience.  

Recently I got another text from what I consider the unethical trump news network, another “survey” questions that obviously was a fund raiser for the delusional lying coward lunatic  (or for the so called “journalists” at the network).  

It included a lot of lies and actually included a phone number (201-510-9527).  

I advised them what I thought!  I am surprised I still get text’s from them, they probably don’t really read any replies, they just are trying to get some money.

One recent  text I received, it appears the the low life “Hannity” was promoting a fraud “gold investment” that was so fraudulent, I’m not sure how anyone took the bait.  The actual wording is:

“REPUBLICANS!  (all caps were in the text message) The Hannity Show covered a segment on Gold investing.  Interested in Gold investments?  Call 231-224i-6630 & quality for a $899 BONUS!.  Txt Top 2 Stop.”  

All of the “caps” including capitalizing “gold” and fraudulent language are actually in the text.

As proven by the lying coward lunatic, “There is a sucker born every minute”!  Is still a valid quote!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 26, 2019.


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