Sunday, June 02, 2019

2019 Spring June 2 Sunday


 67 Degrees this morning, 91 degrees humidity

Wonderful day yesterday morning, sunny, warm, no wind, just a wonderful day!  

Then a heavy rain and high wind came in around 1:00 p.m.!  Then by evening it was a wonderful day again!  

Such is life around here as far as weather is concerned!  

Exercise yesterday:
Walk:  35:01
Swim:  22:48

Pace was 21 seconds below my goal pace.  Not making a lot of progress!  However, I expect my pace will improve as I continue to walk.

Sitting on my patio in the early morning again, such a wonderful experience!  I really enjoy seeing and hearing the world come awake!

Yesterday my post indicated that 2019 was half over.  Of course, it is not half over, it isn’t half over until July 1.  Early morning brain fog!  

Today marks 4 years 11 months since we moved to this area and 4 years 9 months in my current job.  Time rushes on!  

I try to keep track of it, since I feel it is important to recognize the events since we moved here and how much time we have lived in this area.  

Moving here was one of those “The Road Not Taken” actions, although fortunately at the time we moved, we knew this was out best alternative, and I believe it has turned out to be our best decision for a lot of reasons.  

You never know at the time and of course here probably is no such thing as a “right decision” in such cases, there are just decisions.

Went out to eat at a new restaurant last night and then to see “The Four Seasons”.  It was wonderful.  

We ate at a restaurant attached to a hotel downtown.  The hotel has a rotating art exhibit in the lobby which is always interesting.  

One “art” exhibit I remember most is a combination video/physical art exhibit of a couple sitting at a table with a wedding cake and the wedding cake is being eaten by rats.  The couple is each so engrossed in their phones, they don’t notice the rats eating the wedding cake!

Probably has a lot more impact in person than it does in the retelling!    I wish I had gotten a video of the exhibit!  

I think it is a good example of “life is what happens while you are waiting for life to happen”, letting the minor aspects of life take over your life while ignoring the important events and aspects.  

Or it may mean something else completely different, that is he wonderful thing about art! 

Looking forward to a relaxing Sunday.  Possibility of rain this afternoon and evening, but what else is new! 

That’s it for now, Sunday, June 2, 2019.


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