Tuesday, March 20, 2018

2018 Winter March 20 Tuesday

41 degrees this morning (feels like 33), no walk.

After being out in the high wind and cold yesterday (and last night), I decided to skip walking in the wind this morning.  I normally  like to walk when I have an “office day”  (since I get plenty of walking on a “field day” anyway), but….  

Last day for “Winter of 2018”, at least technically.   At 11:15 a.m. this morning, it becomes “Spring of 2018” thank goodness.   It will be cold and windy, but at least we know we are moving towards Summer!

Starting to work on “round tu it” projects again.  There are a lot of them.  

Since we are going on three years in this house (actually 2 years in February, so it is really just over 2 years), I decided it is time to finally organize my office!  

Actually, it has been “organized”, not just quite the way I feel it should be “organized”.  As usual,  the problem isn’t whether it is organized, it is whether I can find something when I need it!  

I remember when i first visited a federal office (this was before the widespread use of computers) and was impressed by the huge number of file cabinets and how they could find almost anything .  

Actually the federal government (and all organizations) “lost” a lot of files.  I don’t know if computerization has helped that or not.  Maybe it became a lot faster  and a lot easier to lose files!

I have found one secret (for me) is always having a place for something and making sure I put it back in it’s place when I am done.  This works for my keys, etc. and also seems to work for files.  My daily files I keep in a specific place, my “occasional” files are more of a problem.  

Of course, in the event something disrupts my procedure when I “put back” something in it’s “regular” place, it can create problems!

I have to comment on “Quicken”.  We had to call “support” for Quicken and we got one of the best support people I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  He was extremely patient, knowledgable and just knew what he was doing.  I did take the time to take the survey and tell Quicken how good he was.

If only all “telephone support” people were even close to bing as goods he is, “support” would have a lot better reputation!  

We had been dealing with our new Quicken program for several months.  In this case, “chat” just didn’t work for our problem.

As I have mentioned before, I am not a big fan of “telephone support” , except for minor questions, but it can work if the support person “cares”.  Of course, on the other side, I have to have the patient to listen to the support person and be willing to take the time to try.
Of course, it also means I have to say “no” if something doesn’t sound right.  As I might have mentioned, on Aliene’s phone, we had an incompetent support person and ended up losing a lot of information when  she (the support person) got impatient and suggested a short cut that shouldn’t have been tried.

So glad “Spring” is here.  Even thought I know there is a lot of cold weather still left, at least I know warmer/hotter weather is just “around the corner”!

Another day without meat, and today I also will not eat any meat.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but not today.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, March 20, 2018, the last day of the Winter of 2018. 

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