Sunday, March 18, 2018

2018 Winter March 18 Sunday

2018 Winter March 18 Sunday

48 degrees this morning, walk 35:03 minutes

Nippy this morning, I had felt the warm weather and I am not ready for any cold weather!  Of course, I realize there will be cold weather until mid May, at least on an occasional basis.  And I don’t like it!

Pace was 7 seconds slower than my goal, which is about the same as meeting my goal.  Maybe as Spring arrives and I can dress lighter, I can move my goal up a little.

Rather embarrassed to admit I used the term “Bartlett Pear” instead of “Bradford Pear” tree.  I thought about sneaking back and correcting it, or claiming it was an auto correct error, but, what the heck.  I just flat was thinking “Bartlett Pears” when I wrote it for some odd reason.  Maybe because I used to live near a city called “Bartlett”.  

I didn’t catch my error until I was at the neighborhood meeting where one of the booths were the city Arborists and I asked them about the Bradford Pear and used the term “Bartlett Pear”!  

While I complain about the cold (and rightly so) I am really enjoying listening to the autobiography of Grant.  I still have 31 hours of it to go, so I am glad I enjoy it! 

I was surprised to learn that Grant (and other soldiers) bought along family members to the war front frequently.  In fact, Sherman’s son became ill and died while accompanying his father to the front.  

When I see the actual land some of the battles were fought on, I wonder how on earth they were able to survive, much less fight, on the terrain of the land.  

I have the same thoughts about the original settlers who migrated west.  I can’t even imagine what they went through to travel through some of the land, especially in wagons and with all of their possessions!  

I believe once they committed to the  trip (and they made a total commitment, they just decided they were going to make it.  

This morning, I managed to squander more time than I meant too “piddling” before I went on my walk, looking at social media on my phone.  I sat down and before I realized it 15 minutes had gone by! 

It might not seem like much, but 15 minutes in the morning is  a lot of time!  It is about how much time I spend on sit-ups and weights, and also about the time it takes to take my morning shower, shave etc.  

I always remind myself to use my time foe effectively, except that than I think “what is wasted time” and “what is time well used?  I think anyone would agree some “piddling”  or “time wasting” is good and can improve your effectiveness. 

Another day without meat.  Today will be another day without meat.  Maybe tomorrow or next month, but not today.

That’s it for now, Sunday, March 18, 2018.

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