31 degrees (feels like 23) this morning. Walk 35:24 min.
I think I saw the true face of the greed, arrogance and sub-human behavior of many (not all by any means) of the corporate executives who spout “it’s best for the stockholders” (and of course even better for their personal aggrandizement) when the “most hated man” in America showed his juvenile behavior before congress yesterday.
I happened to be in a place where I could watch it and I was amazed at the evil he displayed. At least he states his true feelings (greed and arrogance) rather than hiding behind “its’ best for the stockholders” even if it kills people and causes suffering at a minimum while he drinks his $5,000 bottles of wine.
I am amazed someone like him could ever be the head of a company. What a joke.
Anyway, I guess that fits with the things I really can’t do anything about, so there is no use wasting time about being angry about it.
On things I can do, I can refuse to buy products of companies who display such behavior and I will when i can.
I really enjoy the “touch” screen of my work computer. I will probably “jump ship” if Apple doesn’t have a touch screen when it comes time for me to replace my laptop, which I hope isn’t for a long time yet. However, I will not buy a laptop without a touch screen and if Apple doesn’t have one, then I simply won’t buy an Apple computer.
There is nothing wrong with some arrogance (that you think you are right), and I think Apple has provided excellent products with that, but ….I am not buying another laptop without a touch screen and that is that.
It may will be that when Steve Jobs died, Apple lost it’s touch and can’t keep up anymore. Too bad because they have produced some super good products. (as well as some not so good, but the super ones make up for the few bad ones, such as the iPod with the volume controls in the headphones).
I hope I am wrong about Apple losing it’s touch, but not having a touch screen yet etc., shows amazing inability to keep up with what people want. That includes the “basic” iPhone and iPad only having 16 Gig, which is very misleading and simply not keeping up with the times.
Reaching the point in the Wilson biography where he has stroke (apparently).
It makes you wonder what would have happened had the League of Nations been approved. It may not have made any difference, but we’ll never know.
Super Bowl this Sunday. I saw the very first Super Bowl and I doubt if I ever imagined what it would turn into when in reality it is just another football game. I think it is good that people have fun with it, but after all the hype, about midway in the first quarter you realize it is just another football game.
Of course you can say the same thing about any “championship” game, it isn’t the best team or individual, it is the best team or individual that day.
Of course, life is a lot like that. Even though I comment that “life is the moments of everyday living” (or like someone said-something to the effect of “life is what happens while you are waiting for life to happen”), still life if marked by the big events, the turning points of our life.
Maybe what describes a true “champion” is being able to be “up” for those turning points in life, whether you are a sports team or an individual.
As an example, if an individual isn't “up” for a job interview etc. you won’t get the job, you need to be able to make decisions to grab at an opportunity etc. and not get lost in indecision.
Friday, and the first week of February of 2016 is already over.
That’s it for now, Friday, February 5, 2016.
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