34 degrees this morning, walk 34:35 minutes
Sometimes the realization hits me that time and money are somewhat the same.
There is never enough time to do everything I want because of the little ways I waste time “piddling” or doing things that are not a priority.
Of course, knowing what is a priority may be the major decision!
Same with money, when I look at the “little” recurring expenses, such as magazine subscriptions that “automatically renew”, fees that continue for things you really don’t use anymore, little expenses that seem insignificant until you realize how much they add up to during the year!
On the other hand, many times the so-called “insignificant” ways we spend our time or money may be some of the keys to satisfaction with our life!
I think our lives are “lived” in the small moments of each day, and the small moments make up the real tapestry of our lives as we look back (or forward).
Of course there are momentous events or decisions that significantly affect our lives, but the little moments, the little events are what really define our lives.
So, I have to think that how I spend “small” amounts of time or money are not insignificant and I do need consider if an activity or something I buy is “insignificant” and low priority, or something that is the foundation of my life, that holds the structure of my life together.
Of course, looking at it that way, I think it can help set priorities for both time and money. When I stop to think about it and ponder the question, I think I can analyze and decide what comprises the foundation of my life and what I can do without.
The difficult part is acting on your decision with the resolution that you are making the right decision!
I am going to get started on it, maybe first by analyzing how I spend money and time, without getting anal about it and spending so much time on analyzing that it prevents me from reaching my objective!
I am thinking I need to use the same pattern I use (or at least try to use) for living a more minimal life without so much “stuff”.
I take the things I want to keep first and then the rest of it goes.
That could be good way to budget time and money. Just use it for what you know you want, and you will have set your priorities. Easier said than done, I know.
There used to be a budget fad with cities, “zero based budgeting”. The concept (which works in some imaginary world in outer space and another dimension) is that you have no recurring expenses, that every item has to justify itself each year.
With this theory, I could look at all my expenses, especially the nasty little fees and “continuing” expenses etc. and ask, “do I really need this in my life”. Or maybe “what do I need in my life” and cast the rest aside.
Ditto with time management.
Of course, the problem is that there are always a certain number of items you “have” to have, so those become non-negotiable and the “zero base” loses its validity right there
On the other hand, it may be a good way to start.
I decide when I get some time to think about it!
That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 3, 2016.
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