Thursday, February 11, 2016

2016 Winter February 11 Thursday

40 degrees (feels like 34 degrees) Walk 35:37 minutes

Decided not to extend my walk to my previous (pre  coughing) distance since I will be doing a new walk  route shortly, after we move. 

It will be interesting (and somewhat scary in a way) to establish a complete new patter of living.  We aren’t moving far in distance (probably 4 miles max), but it will be a complete new world to us.  

Finished the biography of Woodrow Wilson this morning.  It was a good “listen”.  I learned a lot about a President I knew very little about.  

Now, the fun part, picking a new book to listen too!  It is actually a relatively serious decision, since even a 12 hour book takes me about (roughly) a month to listen to, or maybe three weeks.  The book on Wilson was 32 hours and several books I am considering are in that range, so it is an important mater!

I did try “speeding up” a test book this morning to 1.5 times it’s normal speed and feel it may work well.  

I always like the idea of actually “saving time”!  If I can listen to a book (or podcast) at 1.5 times normal, it will allow me to listen (if my math is right) about 50% faster, or a 10 hour book should take 7.5 hours?  Maybe that isn’t right.  

Anyway, it is saving time, and I am always all for  that if I can maintain the quality and my test indicates it should work fine.

Of course, the main test will be some of my devices, if they can speed it up correctly.  They are all getting old and obsolete.

I use an “app” for my book listening (Audible books).  I was listening on my “original iPad” which of course was ancient several years ago.

I called Audible with a problem and the representative couldn’t believe I the “app” edition I used was still operational   He didn’t realize that old of the app still worked!  (I didn’t tell him I had even an earlier edition I used with my iPhone 3!)

I believe my iPod shuffles are  10 years old now and each (I have 3 for some reason) has it’s original battery and runs fine.  One even got ran over by a car (or maybe a number of cars) and still works fine.   Maybe I can use them in a testimonial ad sometime!  

Of course, I guess they have no  reason to publicize them since they aren’t made anymore.   

Recently tried to buy a stylus for my work laptop (I apparently have “fat finger syndrome”) mainly just as a “point” device.  I thought I found one that worked, but it only works for certain programs, so I am a little disappointed. 

Thinking of my personal future laptop, probably the main competition is between an iPad Pro (with keyboard -coffee proof yet!) and stylus or a Microsoft Surface. My work tablet is a Dell. It is nice, but has some quirks.  

I am very impressed with the Apple “notes” app, (comes with all iPhones and iPads).  It is very impressive, especially with the drawing feature.  It is easy to “share” and save and use.  

Actually I am probably as impressed with the Apple Notes “app” as with any app or program.  It knows what it is, doesn’t try to do too much and is simple to use.  Can’t get much better than that.

Actually, I use it for a number of reasons, one is my daily log, which I “store” on some e-mail addresses so I won’t lose them.  

Unlike this journal, I am the only one that sees my “log”.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 11, 2016.

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