58 degrees this morning (20+ mph wind), Walk 35:47 minutes
Strong wind this morning. Really difficult to know how to dress for my walk in this kind of weather, finally just dressed as normal, except for gloves.
Probably that was the best, since the wind, while from the south, still certainly put a chill in the air!
I would be remiss in not mentioning the passing of my first Apple Computer, an iMac G5 we purchased in November of 2005. Cause was an overheated logic board.
It was a good computer. I did get the hard drive, and since it has all long been transferred to other computers, I will shred it at some point.
We hadn’t really used it for some time, except for pictures and music and to occasionally retrieve information. Obviously it was obsolete, but it had been a good computer.
While I think it has stretched out a little, since iPads are replacing laptops which have long replaced desktops (and maybe to some degree, iPhones have replaced iPads), I understand that a computer is obsolete after 3 years and not worth fixing after 5 years. I don’t know if that is really true, but it seems to be the general consensus of computer stores.
My theory has always been if it is of use to us and still runs the programs we need, it isn’t obsolete yet! Repairing is another matter, depending on the cost.
While I mentioned that iPads are replacing laptops etc., it doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for desktops, laptops etc., but I think the sale of desktops has long slowed down.
I have noted a a lot of people who basically use their iPhone (or similar) as their main computer and internet access or they don’t even have another computer to access the internet.
i don’t know that I would buy another desktop, the prices are down to the point if it has any value at all, it is worth while buying.
Currently, I am “saving” credit “cashback” points for either an Apple Watch or an Apple iPad Pro, probably both eventually. However, i really don’t plan on buying an Apple Watch until at least the 2nd generation and probably not until it is free of the iPhone.
Saving the credits for an iPad Pro makes more sense since it is basically a limited replacement for a laptop and by the time I have enough credits, it will be in the 2nd generation. Of course, I can always supplement the credits somewhat also!
I guess it is a frame of mind, somehow I always consider “upgrading” my iPhone whether I need to or not, but “upgrading” my desktop isn’t even a consideration nor is upgrading the laptop or the iPads.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I upgrade my phone either (I actually normally skip one complete generation), but it is always a consideration. Maybe it is the old “two year contract”, and they I would start “out of contract”for several years.
I didn’t skip the “6” because I needed to buy a separate phone for my job, or at least it made a good excuse, since I had a perfectly good phone I could have used!
I am so glad that winter is gradually coming to an end. I am looking forward to seeing the first “Crocus” sometime in the next several weeks, and then the redbuds and other flowering plants and trees.
Of course, the Bartlett Pears will bloom and then probably get caught in a freeze, as usual!
Some things never change.
That’s it for now, Sunday, February 28, 2016.
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