Monday, February 29, 2016

2016 Winter February 29 Monday

40 degrees this morning, Walk 36:02 minutes 

“Maneuvering” to victory is rather an new concept to me, but an interesting one.  

The “Great Course” on the Civil War I am listening to mentioned that one General befuddled his opponents by a series of brilliant maneuvers, thus basically accomplishing  his objective without any battle.

Seems good, but he was upset because he didn’t get the accolades or recognition  the Generals did who basically won the same thing, but with large numbers of persons killed/injured/missing.

I a considering in my life where I should be using “maneuvers” rather than “battles”.  Maybe I do it now.  

Just for the heck of it, I looked up “maneuvers” and it has several definitions including “trickery” (including “political trickery” )and “deception” as well as “skill”!

I prefer to think of any maneuvers I have as “skill”!  Actually, I think that is true.  

Of course, it seems that “maneuver gains” versus “gains” n the battle field where actual lives are lost would be much more acceptable than battle gains, but I think “battle” has a certain flair to a lot of people (probably those who haven’t been in battle!) than simple “maneuvers” doesn’t.

Perhaps the current political campaign for President is a good example of this, there I “maneuvering” and then there is the “battle” of words and actions, and sometimes “maneuvers” are met by “battles” and vice versia!

This is a concept I will need to research some.  “Maneuver” is my new word.   It casts a whole new light on certain situations.  

Another concept I got from reading about the Civil War was Doris Kearns Goodwin in “Team of Rivals”, mentioned that Lincoln needed Generals who would “fight”.  

He was besieged by the number of Generals who wouldn’t fight for the first few years of the war, who continually asks for more soldiers and supplies etc., “one more thing”.

I could relate to that in citys’ where Department Heads would continually said “If I just had ….., I could do ……”.  

Of course, with some it was always “one more …..”!

Actually the concept helped me a lot to recognize the true need to have something to accomplish a goal and either the fear of action or just flat laziness.  

February 29, the day that comes every 4 years!  I guess it is a matter of “give and take”, if you work by the month you “give” another day, but you also get an extra day of interest (or pay it) etc.  

I was thinking, if it wasn’t for leap year, this would be March 1, the start of a whole new month.

Of course, it also means there is an extra day of Winter, which is hardly fair, except that time is just a concept anyway, nature will do what it will anyway.

While Time is just a concept, it is an important concept since we use it to take action, measure results etc.  

Of course, I really wonder since Time has seemed to start going so much faster now!  Soon it will be two years since we moved to this area, two years for my job, two years for the “new” car etc.!

That’s it for now, Monday, February 29, 2016, the “extra” day of the year! 

2016 Winter February 28 Sunday

58 degrees this morning (20+ mph wind), Walk 35:47 minutes 

Strong wind this morning.  Really difficult to know how to dress for my walk in this kind of weather, finally just dressed as normal, except for gloves.  

Probably that was the best, since the wind, while from the south, still certainly put a chill in the air!  

I would be remiss in not mentioning the passing of my first Apple Computer, an iMac G5 we purchased in November of 2005.  Cause was an overheated logic board.  

It was a good computer.  I did get the hard drive, and since it has all long been transferred to other computers, I will shred it at some point.  

We hadn’t really used it for some time, except for  pictures and music and to occasionally retrieve information.  Obviously it was obsolete, but it had been a good computer.  

While I think it has stretched out a little, since iPads are replacing laptops which have long replaced desktops (and maybe to some degree, iPhones have replaced iPads), I understand that a computer is obsolete after 3 years and not worth fixing after 5 years.  I don’t know if that is really true, but it seems to be the general consensus of computer stores.

My theory has always been if it is of use to us and still runs the programs we need, it isn’t obsolete yet! Repairing is another matter, depending on the cost.

While I mentioned that iPads are replacing laptops etc., it doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for desktops, laptops etc., but I think the sale of desktops has long slowed down.  

I have noted a a lot of people who basically use their iPhone (or similar) as their main computer and internet access or they don’t even have another computer to access the internet.

i don’t know that I would buy another desktop, the prices are down to the point if it has any value at all, it is worth while buying.

Currently, I am “saving” credit “cashback” points for either an Apple Watch or an Apple iPad Pro, probably both eventually.  However, i really don’t plan on buying an Apple Watch until at least the 2nd generation and probably not until it is free of the iPhone.  

Saving the credits for an iPad Pro makes more sense since it is basically a limited replacement for a laptop and by the time I have enough credits, it will be in the 2nd generation.  Of course, I can always supplement the credits somewhat also!

I guess it is a frame of mind, somehow I always consider “upgrading” my iPhone whether I need to or not, but “upgrading” my desktop isn’t even a consideration nor is upgrading the laptop or the iPads.  

Of course, that doesn’t mean I upgrade my phone either (I actually normally skip one complete generation), but it is always a consideration.  Maybe it is the old “two year contract”, and they I would start “out of contract”for several years.  

I didn’t skip the “6” because I needed to buy a separate phone for my job, or at least it made a good excuse, since I had a perfectly good phone I could have used!

I am so glad that winter is gradually coming to an end.  I am looking forward to seeing the first “Crocus” sometime in the next several weeks, and then the redbuds and other flowering plants and trees.

Of course, the Bartlett Pears will bloom and then probably get caught in a freeze, as usual!  

Some things never change.

That’s it for now, Sunday, February 28, 2016.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016 Winter February 27 Saturday

48 degrees this morning, walk 34:27 minutes

Walk time was much faster this morning.  I have been thinking back to see if I missed any of my route, but I actually added a little to it.  

Sometimes I have found that to happen, for some reason, whether it is exercise or any type of project you are working on, (including weight loss, working on learning something etc.), at some point you make an unexpected substantial advancement.

Of course, the fact that that rate of advancement is unsustainable can be discouraging.  However, in the case of my walk, where I don’t really care what my time is (except that I want to keep track of it for whatever reason), I just look at it with interest, but also hope I don’t fall back.

My time normally gets faster as Spring/Summer approaches and my walking clothes get lighter, but I am basically wearing my winter clothes.  

I have found that the sudden increase in learning/comprehension is true in learning computer programs etc.  It is like you don’t understand, and then suddenly you understand and you wonder how you never didn’t understand, it is so simple!

Perhaps it is a lack of patience, but I don’t learn a lot from videos, unless it is strictly a “show and tell” video.  I really never have picked up on watching videos  (other than music videos), whether it is news or anything else.  I just don’t have the patience and they usually move too slow, not  even counting the advertisements that are normally in front of them.

Learning is an ability, or perhaps a skill, and it is difficult to determine what helps us learn.  I actually learn in a lot of different ways, sometimes by “doing”, sometimes by  reading, sometimes just by learning from mistakes and failure.  

I think it is quite a bit of difference depending on the situation with the “desire” (as well as the capacity) to learn that is the most important.

Probably that is what makes school learning so difficult, it you aren’t really interested you aren’t going to learn, but if you are interested you will learn faster.  

I know some things I see or read once and I remember it, other things I may never learn.  

“What make someone learn” has certainly spawned a lot of businesses, books (and yes, I am sure, videos) and  I am sure any teacher would love to find the answer to “what makes someone learn”.  

 I think, other than interest, the biggest factor in me learning (me personally) is whether I use something.  

For example, I have computer programs that may sit around for years and then suddenly I learn them because I absolutely have to or want to, so I can accomplish something.

One example sticks in my mine.  Years ago, Excel was on my computer but in spite of forays into learning it, I never really learned it.  

Suddenly I had to produce a City budget.  I was able to learn Excel almost overnight when I had to use it and had a use for it!  Ditto for Powerpoint (although I used the Apple version of it called “Keynote”), switching from WordPerfect to Office, web page development etc.  

Somehow in all of this, I still struggle with “Evernote”.  I have development my knowledge and use of it where it is helpful, but I still, after years, don’t use it to evan a small portion of its potential.

I think it is almost like anything else that I learn now, I learn what I have to use.  

Tune 678 of 6,544 on my “original iPod”, “you can’t always get what you want” (but  if you try sometime, you might find you get what you need).  

That’s it for now, Saturday, February 27, 2016.

Friday, February 26, 2016

2016 Winter February 26 Friday

28 degrees this morning, Walk 36:13 miles 

Earthquakes continue to increase in magnitude and number.  Meanwhile, the cause of it (salt water wells) is allowed to continue although they are “voluntarily” being asked to reduce them!!!!

Right after I posted my journal Wednesday morning a 3.5 earthquake rolled through.  Even though it was very short and no damage, I can guarantee you will remember it if you go through one.  

That was only the third one I have felt, Aliene feels them on a regular basis and the earthquake app (and now local news) documents at least several per day just within five miles and probably 10 (on average) within 60 miles.  

We are beginning to realize that around here the elected officials etc. really don’t care about residents.  While the city we live in now has much better residential protection from commercial/industrial intrusion, the fact that the  causes of the earthquakes are allowed to continue when there is almost a 100% chance of the cause of the earthquakes, they are probably setting themselves up for some extreme liability.  

We are questioning now if we should have bought a house in this area at all when they really don’t seem to care what happens to residential areas and values.  

While this is in the nearby city we used to live in, we have noticed two extreme instances of commercial development basically destroying the value of nearby residential areas.  We have to wonder about how the elected officials and planning officials (and business developer) sleep at night realizing the destruction they are allowing to happen to residents.  

Cut up some boxes for recycling last night.  I don’t know why, but I really enjoy cutting up boxes.  It isn’t the act of destruction, actually, I don’t consider it destruction.  It is just something I enjoy doing. 

I especially enjoyed it last night because I had a new “box cutting” knife and it was a joy to feel how it cut through the boxes.  

For some reason, I can’t explain why I enjoy cutting boxes so much, but I just do!  

Of course, it helps that we now live in a city that doesn’t exist in the dark ages on recycling. 

This city provides a closed 105 gallons cart for recycling instead of the open 18 gallons recycling bins the last city had.

If you even felt the wind around here, you know how stupid (and that is the only word that describes it) continuing to use the open bins are.

Also, they recycle cardboard here, so my box cutting was for a reason, not just to throw the cardboard away.

This city recycles a lot more items than the  other city.  They do cardboard, plastic etc. that the other city somehow couldn’t figure out how to recycle,

That is the reason the recycling rate in the other city was a pathetic 18%, while in this city it is 83%!

Of course, recycling doesn’t really  pay off right now, with the surplus of commodities, but I am sure sometime it will pay off again.  

February is almost over, the  second month of 2016.  The year is really flying.  When winter goes this fast, what will it be like this summer!

That’s it for now, Friday, February 26, 2016.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

2016 Winter February 25 Thursday

39 degrees this morning, 36:27 minutes walk.

I am pleased I found a “walking route” I like almost immediately.  I thought about making it a little longer, but I plan on starting swimming and bicycling in the near future so I will leave it here for right now.  

I am considering returning to my bicycling early in the morning which seems to make more sense (no traffic etc.) although it also means my time is more limited.  Anyway, at least to start again it makes sense.  

Really like listening to the “Great Course” on the Civil War.  It is really interesting and makes my walk seem a little shorter.  I think doing it at 1.25 times regular speed also helps.  Maybe once I get used to 1.25 I may be able to speed it up to 1.5.  I wish they had incremental speeds (such as from 1.25 times to 1.30 times and gradually increase it).

One of my favorite TV hosts is Jim Cramer on “Mad Money” and I noticed he talks relatively fast, although his pronunciation is very distinct. (I think that is the right word).

Sometimes I have a hard time following him, but on the other hand I also pay attention because he is speaking fast and I may miss something he says.  Which may be good or bad, depending on what he says!  

I developed   sudden rash on my temples, which is rather scary.  At first I thought it was a reaction to some new cough medicine I was taking, but then I really think I am very allegoric to some shower soap I had gotten in a hotel room that I was using as shaving soap.

Many years ago, I had a  reaction to some medicine that caused a severe rash on my arms.  It took me several days before I associated the rash with the medicine.  

Shaving is more or less an art rather than a science.  I have always liked the idea of using an electric razor, but I think my skin (and whiskers) aren’t just in tune with an electric razor. Each time I have tired it has failed.

Actually it has been many years since I have tried an electric razor.  It was actually when I was in basic training in the Air Force and I quickly learned that was no time to try to begin shaving with an electric razor!

I never knew what happened to it, but somehow it disappeared.  My Mom had given it to me and I always felt bad about it, but I never tried an electric razor again.

Actually, I don’t mind shaving with a blade etc., it actually can be nice.  I thinkI resent the time it takes.  

I have tried several things to make it better.  Somehow I came up with washing my face with soap and leaving the soap on and then putting shaving cream on.  Seems to work for me anyway.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I used the “shower gel” instead of soap for the past two days.  It had a really pleasant feel and scent, but I am almost sure I am seriously allergic to it, so that will be that! 

Of course, I am highly allergic to this area’s vegetation or something anyway.  When I first came here years ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I had aged 10 years with the bags under my eyes and swollen eyes etc. (Some things about this place will make you feel 10 years older anyway!)

Anyway, so this is where I end up, at least for now!  Somehow that is the way things seem to happen.  

Of course a skin rash that close to my eyes is potentially serious, so if it doesn’t clear up, I will try to make an emergency appointment with my dermatologist.  Actually she is a Physicians Assistant, which works well.  For some reason almost every dermatologist I have seen has a Physicians Assistant, and they have always been excellent.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 25, 2016.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2016 Winter February 24 Wednesday

38 degrees this morning, walk 36:42 minutes 

Spring is less than a month away!  Actually, spring starts a littler earlier than that, normally the first part of March.

Of course, then seems to take forever to really warm up (permanently) for the Summer, usually around mid-May before Summer is  really here.  

One thing I like about here I missed in Memphis was the long summer evening sunsets.  Of course, even here, I can’t just look out the back window and see the sunset, I have to go someplace where you can look at the west. 

There is nothing quite like a sunset here.

As I’m sure i mentioned before, oddly enough I miss the summer evenings in Memphis, there is really nothing quite like it.  I also liked he early morning sunrises (the sun rises-and also sets-an hour later here than in Memphis.  

Life progresses, as we continue to move in.  Unpacking (for me at least) has gotten slower as I struggle to decide where to put stuff where I will find it and what I can donate and not have to manage anymore.  

The thought of earthquakes is strongly remote.  I have actually only felt two earthquakes that I knew were earthquakes, but they seem to be getting stronger and more frequent.  What used to be a 2.5 is now a 3.5 etc.

When I first moved to Memphis and heard about the “New Madrid Fault” (which will eventually bring a massive earthquake), I kind of wondered why I had moved there!  You soon learn to live with the thought, and realize, “if it comes we will deal with it”, just like tornados, floods etc.  

Actually, I was probably bothered more by the appalling high school graduation rate in Tennessee.  Not a reflection on the general education of the population of Tennessee, but the poor high school graduation rate just amazed me.  

Of course, that was one of the objectives of Tennessee, was improving education and the graduation rate, and I think they made and are continuing to make progress towards that.  

In this state, I was stunned learn of how persons are charged huge fees for minor crimes, probably guaranteeing they will remain jobless and turn to crime.  

I really think the “bail” system is abused, while I definitely feel there should be “bail” (on none) for major crimes, speeding or making an illegal u-turn (or even minor crimes) hardly justify high bail fees or even any kind of “bail”.  With our technology now, we hardly need bail.  Of course, bill bondsman, make political contributions ….

In addition to the high bail (probably meaning they will lose their jobs) there is a system of fees and charges that are almost criminal the way they guarantee that a person can’t get a fresh start. They even charge for “being in jail”, literally more than a cheap hotel would cost!  Talk about really making sure no-one can come back! 

No wonder this state has one of the highest jail rates and criminals. Not only that, it cost more to keep someone in jail, and much more when you consider they aren’t paying  taxes etc.

Obviously a lot of people deserve to be in jail, but the system here really makes sure even someone just with a minor traffic violation could be literally forced into a life of crime.  

Of course, then you have the “private prisons” who contribute huge sums of money and lobby for “stricter” terms so they can charge the state more for jailing people. That is unbelievable.

I mention this because of a state wide group that is seeking to reform this.  Hopefully they will have some impact.  

“Field day” yesterday, today will be a very busy “office day”.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 24, 2016.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2016 Winter February 23 Tuesday

48 degrees this morning, walk 36:27 minutes

Rain coming in, didn’t really think I would be able to walk this morning, but the rain was all around us.  

Actually I didn’t really think I would be able to complete the walk from the weather map, but it still hasn’t started raining.  There were a few sprinkles while I was walking but nothing that makes me think it would immediately start raining.

My current route is more “long” I guess you would say, in that I am relatively far away from my house at the furtherest point.

Two big earthquakes last night, the epicenter probably about 5 miles away.  Both 3.5.  I didn’t feel them, Aliene did.  I was at a meeting and was probably driving when they happened.

We do have earthquake insurance with our new policy, which is good, or at least we will have in 30 days.  It has a 2% deductible and doesn’t cover “masonry” but it is a lot better than what we had (which was no earthquake insurance).  

There was a 5.2 earthquake about 60 miles north of us, so the insurance company instituted a 30 day waiting period on earthquake insurance, but the insurance agent thought they might cover us since we were new.

I think the earthquakes are a perfect example of what happens when an industry (through “political contributions”) elects their own oversight!  

I really don’t see any reason they couldn’t figure out how to recycle the wastewater from oil wells, if they had been made to do so at the very beginning, they probably would have developed a relatively inexpensive way to do it by now.  

I have only felt two of the earthquakes, and I am just as glad I wasn’t here last night to feel them.

It is really  strange that I don’t feel an earthquake maybe 10 miles away but people all throughout the regional area (including other states) feel it.

Routines are hard to remember when you move!  For example, I have forgotten to take my evening medicine the last two days, which is bad enough.

Then, this morning I somehow forgot to do my setups and weights!  Just didn’t think about it until I was about ready to shower!

The “Great Course” is working great on my walking.  I listen to one per day, not out of planning, but just the way it is set up.  Since I have it set for 1.25% speed, I figure  each sector about 60 minutes. 

Since I walk about 36 minutes, and probably start it 2 minutes before I start my walk and end it about 10 minutes after I get back, time 1.25 is 60 minutes!  I’ll check, I think they actually say how long they are.  

Routines are good to have, as long as the routine doesn’t become so important you can’t stray from them sometimes, but I don’t know how I will trigger taking my medicine at night.  Actually there is only one that really matters, my cholesterol medicine.

I hate taking medicine, but finally realized that I do need to take cholesterol medicine is necessary to take,and I can’t (or at least don’t) control it with proper eating and exercise.

Actually, the medicine I am taking is very effective, and, maybe with the medicine and with exercise and somewhat proper eating, I can control it.  119 at my last test!

Going to see a person I know become a “naturalized” citizen today.  I have never seen one, and am looking forward to it. 

That’s it for now,  probably a rainy Tuesday, February 23, 2016 (but it hasn’t started yet!)

Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 Winter February 22 Monday

39 degrees this morning, Walk 36:35 minutes

Chilly weather has returned, probably some snow later this week, or at least rain and in the high  30’s.  

Walk this morning was about the same route as yesterday, perhaps a tiny bit longer as I took some byways.  Still haven’t met another person, vehicle or animal, although I hear dogs barking in the distance.

Overall a nice walk, includes enough slopes to be challenging and interesting.

Listening to the “Great Course” on the Civil War.  Again, I enjoy listening to an overview of the Civil War, which includes both sides and is generally not favorable or focused on either side or any specific person.

I’ll have to do this, get a general overview,  on more events, historical and otherwise. 

Listening to my original iPod, I am always amazed at how many songs “Memphis” is mentioned in.  Maybe it is the way the name  slides on the tongue, or maybe it just fits music.  

Probably the things I will remember about the Memphis (area) are the nights, the early mornings, and the general hospitality of the people in the area.  

Moving continues.  It is getting to the point where difficult decisions have to be made on where items go, or is it time to finally donate or  toss some items?  I made a huge inroad on my office in getting rid of boxes etc., but am suddenly trying to decide what to do with some stuff that may be important or not, but I need to get it either stored or thrown.  

Overall, I really like the house, with a few little negative things here and there, but it is still too early to really tell.  

One positive thing is the newspaper comes early. I’m not sure how early (It isn’t here when I walk, but is here by the time I finish my nap). 

Dream I had yesterday (Sunday) after my post-walk nap.  I had gotten out of the habit of writing down my dreams but I decided to note this one.   

Dream Sunday, February 20 2016

Strange dream I was in a building and kept looking for an office I couldn’t find.

At first I was in the building and siting in various offices although it seemed like I didn’t belong there and was just sitting and doing my work.  

Office workers were talking etc., and were acknowledging me as a visitor, but didn’t seem interested in what I was there or.  

I probably did that in about three offices and then I couldn’t find an office.

On one floor it was totally dark, on another floor I came onto a gym which was busy..

I went to the restroom and found it would in the process of being redone and I couldn’t find another restroom in the building.

Went onto one floor and found a workman with a bunch of polecats (the 105 gallon trash carts), and for some reason I was careful I did’t disturb him.  

A really strange dream, I’m already forgotten a lot of it, but it seemed to take place in a big, about a 6 story building with a huge parking lot, which had very few cars in it.

It seemed to be half (or more vacant) and in some type of restoration.

That’s it for now, Monday, February 22, 2016.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

2016 Winter February 20 Sunday

51 degrees this morning, walk 36:21 minutes 

This house has a lot of strange noises early in the morning, beyond the midnight hour. 

When I got up this morning I heard creaks, bumps etc., which made me wonder what was going on!  

In our “bonus room” upstairs  there is a small door that leads to the area with all of the equipment, pipes etc.  The door was kept locked, we assumed for the safety of the children.  Now, I wonder if it was locked to keep something out!

Regardless of my first thoughts, obviously I don’t really believe it is anything more than noises I’m not used to yet.  I hope!

Did my regular exercise routine this morning, walk, sit-ups, another strange sitting up exercise I do and weights.  Felt good to get back into the routine.  Now if I can get back to bicycling and swimming.

The walk this morning was a different route.  Oddly enough, it turned out to be almost the same time as my usual walk has been.  I don’t know it that will be my regular route or not, probably I will experiment a little yet.  

So far, I haven’t met a single car, person, or barking dog!  (Or skunk, cat, possum etc.)

I am very disappointed in the U.S. Postal Service.  Did all of the right filing etc., mail still isn’t being forwarded.  It seems they should be more efficient.  

If you are moving, I suggest you have the post office “hold” your mail until everything is forwarded, at least if you live close to a Post Office.  In our case, we live less than a mile, so I should have just had the mail held.  It seems they should be more efficient in forwarding mail.  I have visions of unpaid bills, and probably lost mail.  

The presidential election continues to amaze.  Probably what is worse is the pandering to special groups even by the “establishment” candidates.  Politics as usual! 

Read some some about the “private space” companies.  It appears much of their research and development is funded by fat cat contracts from the U.S. Government.  Of course, obtained after  extensive “lobbying” and making “contributions” to the right people, at least in some cases.  

Even then, it is very interesting to read how they develop their space projects. There is an entire world economy based on production of rocket engines etc., with many engines purchased from even Russian companies, with some production in the United States.

It will be interesting  to watch how it develops.  Of course, it is even more likely that the “disruptors” who made their money in developing and marketing new technology will be “disrupted” by entirely new ways of sending items (and people) to space.  

I am surprised there hasn’t been more development of “teleporting” (kind of like “here now, 1000 miles away in short time, or a new way of magic).  I really haven’t read much research on that, although its would take quite a leap in technology, especially doing it with people.

That would really “disrupt” the  freight companies (especially FedX, UPS, USPS etc, with small packages).  

Maybe drones are a start on that, although you would need to find a way to prevent people and things from crashing,  getting lost in transit or “teleporting” and ending up in the same form that you started.  Or maybe that is the answer, changing the form.

Doing a lot of unpacking, obviously.  Still looking for some items.  I am going to bite the bullet and get rid of a bunch of clothes, books etc.!

That’s it for now, Sunday, February 20, 2016.