Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Spring 2015 May 6 Wednesday

60 degrees this morning, heavy rain, no walk.

Rain threatened all day and finally started yesterday afternoon.  After it started, it obviously decided to stay around for awhile.

“Buy the stocks of the Companies that own the most Congressman”.  That is a quote from an article I was sent.  Much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree that it is right. 

An example  is Uber.  In my opinion, they literally paid off enough legislatures for a law that jeopardizes the  lives of all the residents of the state by avoiding almost any regulation.  They brag about “disruption”, not mentioning buying special favors.  Be interesting when the time comes to report campaign  contributions. 

I hardly know the answer and really don’t know if there is one.  There are numerous examples of it, much worse than the one I mentioned.  Companies and persons  get special “exemptions” and privileges when they frequently should be in jail for what they do.

Many individuals and companies  would be in jail instead of in the penthouse, except of the money they pay for special favors and laws.

On another subject, Quicken has to have the worst customer service of any company. 

 I called up and asked for SALES (for an “upgrade” which is supposed to fix  the numerous  flaws in the current program) and there was over an hour wait! I wonder how much time the wait was for “service”, if they ever heard of such a thing.  In spite of the hour wait, their “help” line is only open 8 hours a day and about two hours before the end of the time, you start getting a “closed” message, which means they really are open about six hours. 

If I wasn't using an Intuit product, I wouldn’t start!  They really don’t seem to know what they are doing and their the simple part of their product is fine, but, like I found out in Turbo Tax this year, their products are poor  when you get beyond the basics and full of sales pitches to peddle their other products.  

Some other quotes from the article I was sent:

“When you become the ally of one person, you automatically become an enemy of all his enemies”.

“Millions have been taught that right and
 wrong are matters of opinion”

Pansophism:  “Pretending to know all that can be known”

On other subjects, time really moves.  It seemed like the “closing” on our house was a long time away, now it is almost here, if everything goes ok, we will be moving soon.  

I will be so glad to not have to worry about having to move every year due to rent increases, the owner selling the house etc. not making repairs etc.    Actually our payment will be less than our rent, (including taxes and insurance), although of course the actually expenses and cost will be higher.

At least there is the tax deduction, which is somewhat overrated, but my experiences of the last several years any tax deduction is well worth consideration!  

What has amazed me on the process is the amount of time I have spent on meaningless, expensive and time consuming tasks to meet “requirements” that are vague and  confusing and obviously meant to allow for “fees”, not to meet any real requirement.

Anyway, I try to avoid too much “ranting”, sometimes it may be justified!

I always look forward to the first part of the month as I research my new accounts at work to resolve.  I always learn something new and interesting as I prepare for my “field days”. 

One fad that amazes me if the rise of all the “e-cigarette” or “vapor” shops!  It is amazing how many there are.

By the way, I have had the opportunity to observe some of the Starbucks stores.  They are BUSY!  Some of the traffic from drive thru’s even go out into the street.  

There is a lot of caffeinated and nicotined people driving around!  Another subject for another day is the drivers around here! 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, May 6, 2015

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