Saturday, May 02, 2015

Spring 2015 May 2 Saturday

63  degrees this morning, 45:18 minutes walking

One year ago today, we were in Shanghai, China, on what would turn out to be a wonderful 18 day trip.

Actually, due to time changes and travel, we “lost” May 2. We gained it back when we came back!  I thought at the time i wanted to really experience the trip and we did.  

Even now, I can’t really comprehend all we did in the trip.  I have learned a lot more about China since our trip, and continue to learn about it.  I will go back sooner, not later.  

Super weather yesterday, supposed to be even better this weekend.  I intend to enjoy it!

Aliene is feeling much better and soon (in two weeks or so) she can quit wearing the neck brace.  She is enjoying not having to wear it at home.  She does have to wear it in the car and if the takes a walk outside etc.

She has to wear some sort of device for four hours per day.  It is interesting.  Supposedly it puts out electrical impulses that attract the atoms of her bones to come togeher and facilitate the healing of the bones.

Don’t know that I explained that correctly, but I think I included the overall concept.

We figure it must  have some validity since the insurance company paid for it.

The birds have quit trying to nest above our door, but have resorted to their old tactics of sitting on the gutter and glaring a  us and occasionally doing some “dive bombing” of the owl and us and their old  nesting location.  

I learned that my theory about President U.S. Grant having something to do with the us of railroads in China was wrong.

President Grant visited the China Emperor  (I believe) in a world tour in the 1870’s.  He discussed the importance of railroads in the U.S. and my feeling was that maybe this conversation led to the importance of railroads in China.

Wrong.  I learned this morning that China railroads were pathetic until the late 1990’s, early 2000’s, when China built all the high speed railroads etc. 

So much for that theory!

Actually the railroad project full of corruption, straight out theft etc. that I thought it was lucky anything got done. (The United States transcontinental railroad also created a lot of scandals with corruption, theft etc.)

I have been going through papers, clothes etc. in preparation for the possible move.  I found a lot of stuff I could get rid of (and have).  I still need to tackle the books.

I have decided to donate/sell all the CD’s we have on the theory we rarely listen to them.  If we really want a song, we can listed to it saved or we can buy though the internet.  It just doesn’t make sense to keep them.

I heard something speak  this morning about how so many persons are renting furniture etc., so fhey can have nicer furniture (of course, he was in the business of “upper scale” rental furniture).  

However I have heard about persons saying their children don’t want their cherished “heirlooms, or whatever you want to call it”  (and their children confirm it.).

That’s it for now, Saturday, May  2, 2015

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