Sunday, May 17, 2015

Spring 2015 May 17 Sunday

Spring 2015 May 17 Sunday 

65 Degrees this morning,no walk (rain, electricity out)

Electricity went out last night, almost right at our regular bedtime.  

It was one of those sudden outages that felt permanent.  It was a strange outage since the houses across the street and several houses over had power.  

Went to bed and woke up about 1:00 a.m and called in the outage.  (I had a sudden thought that  when we switched the utilities to our name on our new house, they had assumed we were cutting off the utilities  on this house, but that didn’t seem very likely that the would cut off power at 10 a.m. on Saturday night!)

Oddly enough, about 15 minutes later the lights came on!

Friday, our real estate agent had mentioned about how much we depended on electricity, and this certainly proved it!

Heavy again last night.  A lot worse storms in other areas, just lightning last night.

We went the baseball game last night, left early when it started lightning, and were able to make it home before the storm started.

Planning our move.  We plan on moving a lot of the smaller stuff ourselves, contract the heavy and awkward stuff.  It is a lot easier than a sudden long distance move, but there there is still coordination considerations, so that the furniture etc. can be set up when it is moved and not be in the way. 

Got a “Heyday” message that I had taken 177 pictures in Shangai yesterday (actually 12 hours ahead in Shanghai), so I was obviously busy!

Tried out new camera at night (with lights) and with the zoom and was very pleased with the results. The pictures were sharp and came out with  enough light.  

One of my problems has been coordinating and storing the pictures.  I have been reading about the new Flickr and will try that.  

Of course, the problem is with the “Long Tail”, the fact that “I can” store literally every picture I have without any real additional cost.  That hardly means i should, since even if storage is effectively infinite, time isn’t.  

I think I am continually looking for a better way to coordinate and store the photos, one that doesn’t take so much time.  That may not be possible.

Aliene is planning on scanning and saving all of her family pictures.  She did an excellent job of putting pictures into photo albums, now she needs to put them in virtual phone albums.  

Obviously this is something she will start after the move!  
One problem with moving, it is kind of like writing, you never really finish, there is aliases one more review you can do, one more thing to move etc.

At some point you just need to say, “done is done” and call it good!   Of course you can still always go back and tweet things or move something, as long as it doesn’t become an obsession with change.

Looking forward to a few days hopefully without any rain or  storms!

That’s it for now, Sunday, May 17, 2015.

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