60 degrees this morning.44:56 minute walk
Strange what your mind sees that you don’t see. In spite of numerous trips to look at our future house by numerous people, no one noticed until last night that there is no door between the Master bedroom and the Master bathroom!
Somehow, all of this time, I think we assumed no one would leave such a door out so we just saw the door there.
It is something we can fix (with a door), but it is not a way to start off in a new house. I just don’t think much of a designer who would leave out a door like that!
As my coaches used to say (a little more forcefully than this), they need to get their head back on their shoulders!
I think the problem is if I miss something that obvious, what it would I do?
I am really ready for Summer to begin, I am tired of cold weather! It seems like most years, summer doesn’t come until mid to late May so it should be here before Memorial Day. At least it isn’t far away.
I still remember several years ago when Summer came in March and it stayed nice (and warm) all Summer.
Conducting one of my vices this morning, watching a taped boxing match as I write this. I think one of the things I like best is the “entry” of the fighters (which is frequently very innovative) and the interdiction of the fighters by the ring announcer. Of course, the “championship belts” are an example of something, I don’t know quite what word to use, except it is something that I expect would quickly become a white elephant.
I don’t watch the “big” boxing matches like the recent one, I mainly like the unknowns.
Of course, it is all a promotional, contrived, gimmick, but then all sports and many other activities could be considered the same.
My other early morning activities are watching car racing (Formula I has become my favorite, NASCAR races are just too long.), music videos and CNBC. I remember when I was in the Air Force, I would to the “Saturday night” races, which I thought was a good format, several qualifying races and then the “semi-main” and the “main”.
Another rather intense dream. Not sure where all of this comes from:
Dreamed I was in some type of resort area. There was several buildings of hotels, spread out kind of like a resort area. It was a beach area.
Except part of it seemed like the farm, at least the area between the hotel buildings.
I was riding a bicycle, seemed to be inside a building in a basement.
When I tried to ride out of it, the wall was a hill of mud, so I went to find another way.
I was also trying to e-mail someone about what to do, but somehow couldn’t send the e-mail. (This actually happened in reality the night before)
I remember trying to figure how to get through the lobby at one point, without any clothes on. Not sure why I didn’t have any clothes on. Finally I wrapped a small towel around myself but fortunately woke up before I started walking through.
I remember thinking I’d done this in the past but of course I haven’t. (Nor have I had any desire to do so!)
At one point talking with someone else about plans for a family reunion, not sue what.
The other building (where the lobby was), seemed like a big house.
No image of the bicycle I was riding, trying to ride. There were no cars in the dream.
Part of the dream was also about scandals, whether I wanted to start wearing a new pair to replace my old ones. The dream about the scandals was very vivid
That’s it for now, Wednesday, May 13, 2015
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