59 Degrees his morning, 55:33 minute walk, five earthquakes in past 24 hours.
I am having fun with the car, running it on “electric vehicle” every chance I get. Many times, I go very slow if I am looking for a specific number and I run it in the “electric vehicle” mode. If I go very fast etc., it automatically changes to gas but it can run a while. Today I actually ran the battery down.
I like that and I also really like not only the rear camera, but also the “back avoidance indicator” that beeps if anyone is near in back of you.
The “back avoidance indicator” beeps if there is a car or person in back of me. It is especially good when a car or person drives/walks in back of you as you are pulling out and you can’t see them in the camera view or mirror. What surprised me is that it has already beeped at me three times (valid beeps, after the beep I checked, once it was a car, twice a person!)
What is scary is wondering how many times it has happened that I didn’t realize it!
I am reading about how to use the navigation system.the audio and all of that.
Generally, I;d just learn a procedure when I need it.
My iPhone 6 had delivery date of mid-December. I’m glad I wasn’t in a hurry! I knew it would take awhile, but I didn’t expect that long. I want to get my current phone set up for my work phone, so I need to change the “favorites” etc.
Going to try to convert all of my cassette tapes to MP3 format. I am hoping I can save all the music and then give or throw away the cassettes. I’m not even sure I have a cassette player around anymore. I actually did have two that I gave to Katherine.
I probably wouldn’t have the patience to use cassettes anymore anyway.
I was just thinking today about how fast technology changes our expectations and behavior. On the other hand, sometimes old technology is best. I usually carry an old “flip phone” when I walk. Since I ungraded, the “flip phone” no longer has a connection. It is almost impossible to make an emergency phone call in the dark on a iPhone!
Of course, as I wrote this, I remembered that “9-1-1” can be dialed from even a unconnected cell phone, as long as you have a battery. Although the phone is at least 8 years old, the battery is still good.
My “original iPad” amazes me with it’s strong battery. If I am figuring right, it is over four years old and the battery really holds up.
I actually really like my “original iPad”, except that it is basically obsolete for any internet purposes. I use it as a “iPod touch” and listen to music on it. It seems to run forever on a battery charge and has good sound and color.
Veterans Day next Tuesday. It will be nice to get the day off, although I took the opportunity to make a doctors appt. so I don’t need to use sick leave etc. Just getting some prescriptions renewed and really the first visit with the new doctor, set up annual tests etc.
Looking forward to a good weekend. Looks like it will be nice weather.
That’s it for now, Saturday, November 8, 2014.
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