Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fall 2014 November 11 Tuesday (A Seachange in my Thinking!)

34 degrees this morning, 21 degrees wind chill with 28 mph wind.  0 minutes walked!  One earthquake. 

One important result of posting this journal is the excellent ideas I get and the sudden realization that times are changing and I need to adjust.  It is the power of other ideas and suggestions!

I had planned to try to convert my tapes to MP3 format.  My cousin, Ken, basically e-mailed and said “why bother?” with all the songs already available either free or inexpensive anyway?  That caused about 50 light bulbs to light up in my head!

His comment caused a seachange in my thinking, like good suggestions always do!  I haven’t listened to the cassettes for at least 20 years, the special tapes don’t mean anything anymore,and I don’t have the time and patience to do it anyway, so I’m just going to donate or toss them.  After 20 years in storage they probably aren’t any good anyway.

Thinking more, I may trade in the CD’s, or I may just make sure I have backed them up on my computer and donate them also.  The time is the problem.  The little bit of money I may make from selling them, I probably can make out just as well by donating them or not even bothering with backing them up.

Ditto with my books and magazines which have some value or that I plan on reading “when I get around to it”.  (Some I will keep strictly for sentimental reasons, at least for awhile, and I currently have absolutely no plans to get rid of my car collection.)

Some people are “traders”, I’m not.  I just got Ken’s e-mail early this morning, so I’ve not even thought it out yet, but I already feel a sense of relief at not having to spend the time messing with the cassettes etc.  Thanks Ken!

“Office day”  yesterday (Monday).  A lot of research and a a lot of time learning!  Learning is what  takes the time.

There are a variety of procedures to learn and it will just take experience to learn them.  

I am developing a filing system, which I think will work well.  I have some items that will be done in the same day, others that will take lot 

Today is a holiday, which feels good, although  Aliene has a Doctors appointment early in the morning and I have one late afternoon.  In between, we are going to try to get the tag for the car.    
After I get the tag, I plan on getting an “urban forestry” specialized tag or a “bicycle” tag.

Not looking forward to winter weather that may be coming.  Don’t mind the cold, but I really don’t like the potential snow and ice, especially this early in the year.

I can dress warm enough to walk in almost any kind of weather, except for snow and ice. I have never liked snow and ice and still don’t. 

Of course, I’m not sure how I will adjust to the wind, especially in the winter.

I still remember one time when I drove from Wichita to Liberal, Kansas in a snowstorm.  It took a lot longer than usual and I almost ran out of gas, except that a gas station was open (around 10:30 p.m) in Meade, Kansas, which is about 60 miles from Liberal.  I wouldn’t have made it to Liberal.

What is strange is I never saw the station open after 6 p.m. or so again in my trips to Wichita and Kansas city.

That was before anyone had even thought about cell phones etc. 

Didn’t walk this morning, too much of a shock to my system.  I know I will need to walk in bad weather, but I will have plenty of chances.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 11, 2014.   


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