Friday, November 07, 2014

Fall 2014 November 7 Friday (Blueberries and Commuting)

46  degrees this morning.  57:24 Minutes walk.    Two earthquakes (in our area) in last 24 hours (one 12 miles away)

It’s Friday!  Completing my first week “flying on my own”, working out of my home office.  I love it.  I keep really busy, and I really like it.  

I need to work on spending less time on research etc., but I know that will happen as I gain experience.  I really like the work, the home office and the interaction with customers etc.  even when it is not necessarily a positive situation. 

I found out my car has a switch where I can go on “all electric” power (until I get to a certain speed).  It probably isn’t much use, but it is fun!  I like the idea that I am moving and not using any gasoline at all! 

Where are the blueberries?  I love to eat blueberries for breakfast with my oatmeal.  Somehow, at times during the year they suddenly disappear!  (Frozen blueberries just aren’t the same).  It used to be years ago, that there was several months when there was no blueberries (or at least any affordable ones). 

Then as blueberries became recognized as a “health food”,they were available all year around.  Last year they also disappeared for several weeks.

I may just have to become a blueberry farmer to insure I have blueberries!  

I usually eat oatmeal with cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, and blueberries and an apple with peanut butter (I found this is more common than I realized.)

And, of course, coffee.  

I usually “read” the USA Today on my iPad while I eat breakfast.  This morning I realized over half  the stories were either sports or celebrity type stories , so I switched to another news source on my iPad.   They have sports and celebrity  sections (that I don’t read) and it seems they could keep those stories to the appropriate sections.

I don’t know if it will be permanent or not. 

I am surprised that I have become used to not reading the newspapers in the morning.  A year ago, even six months ago, I nervy thought I would be saying that. 

The newspapers arrive so late in the morning I just don’t have time to read them.

 I still read two newspapers, but the local newspaper isn’t as good as the Commercial Appeal and the New York Times isn’t delivered in my area (except of the Sunday edition).

Currently I read most of the papers at night, when the news is a lot older (in todays world anyway).  And I”m ok with it.  I may just cancel them, but I’m not quite ready to take that step.

It is a strange feeling (in a positive way) for my “commute” to be about five feet.  I walk into my home office at 7:30 a.m., close the door and I am “at work” and in a different environment.  (I always spend some time in the office before i go out in the field and normally I come back to complete paperwork and get ready for the next day (if it is going to be a field day). I work until 4 p.m. (or a little after), sign out and take my five foot “commute” home and I am done working for the day!

That’s it for now, Friday, November 7, 2014

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