47 degrees this morning. 58:00 minutes walking three earthquakes according to “Oz Earthquake” app, but I heard a local news report there were 16 earthquakes either yesterday or the day before.
I don’t know why I always walk slower (or at least take more time) in winter than in summer. Obviously some of it is the clothes etc., but it seems as if I actually walk slower in winter, I think because of the cold.
Also, it is rather strange, but the cold seems to take on a different nature in the winter. For example, I dressed this morning (47 degrees) a lot warmer than I did for the same temperature a month ago, but I didn’t feel like I dress too warm now or not warm enough then.
It is almost like the cold, when it comes, tends to become ingrained, or just a part of the overall atmosphere, it is hard to explain.
The same thing happens in the Spring, when the cold seems to linger on forever. The warmth of the summer doesn’t linger quite the same, but it is the same concept.
Got my new iPhone 6+ last night. It is nice, haven’t really had a chance to look at tit yet.
I am looking forward to looking at it and playing with it. It does appear to be much easier to write on.
One of the decisions is what type of case to buy, if any. I haven’t decided on a case yet. My current case has a pocket for my license and several credit cards on it. I liked it because I always keep track of my phone, my license and credit cards, so it is good to have them in one place!
Also, somehow they did this and made the case slim and not overwhelming.
For some reason, the phone service did not get transferred from my “3G” to my “5”, so I am still using the 3g for my work phone. I should be able to get it resolved today.
Have a “birthday” gathering together this weekend. Should be fun, especially since almost everyone is here this time.
Sill finishing up transferring things to our new environment. Bank accounts, etc. and then have to worry about getting W-4 a;mounts at the end of the year.
Have an appointment with my new eye doctor (routine test). The first time I went to an eye doctor, they “over dilated” my eyes, so I had could hardly see to drive home.
The last one we saw in Memphis was really good and we will miss him.
My day “in the field” yesterday went well. I enjoyed working with the people and the process. One of those days when everything goes right, but still something tends to pop up to take up your time.
The major problem appears to be the amount of administrative time required. Not a “problem” as such, just part of the job, but I need to learn how to estimate the amount of administrative (paperwork) time required.
I planned to go out today again, but the administration involved is enough I’ll probably make this an office day. It’s not really a “problem”, it’s just part of the process and understandable, but I just need to figure out how to estimate the time required.
I probably still “over plan” for going out in the field, but I am beginning to understand what I need to do and what is important.
That’s it for now, Friday, November 21, 2014.
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