82 degrees this morning. 55:21 minutes walk.
Writing this on my trusty iPad while my laptop is in the hospital (and also on my desktop where possible), so you may see some weird formats.
"Off to work we go", as I go in for a new job this morning. Most of today will be preliminary items. I am looking forward to it!
I don't know how my routine will change, but I'm sure it will change. It changed from Lakeland to here and now is ready to change again. It would have changed anyway, since the swimming pool closed Labor Day and the daylight is getting shorter.
Now I have to incorporate a drive and of course the actual work, but also, there are a lot of other activities I won't need to do, plus having a regular schedule is frequently an asset. Perhaps most of all I like to think I am doing something that is productive and meaningful.
I like to say another sunrise is coming to my life. I have been through the darkness, and, as they say, it is always darkness before the dawn.
I forgot to mention that we saw what will probably be the last Memphis Redbirds game we will see, at least in Autozone Park. It is one of the activities we truly enjoyed in Memphis, in addition to our house and friends.
I trace it back to "Hurricane Elvis" when it knocked out our electricity for seven days. We went to a Memphis Redbirds ball game and enjoyed it. It was actually about 4 years ago we started going on a regular basis and the last two (three counting this one) that we got good seats and really got into the game.
By chance, this was also the years when the AAA Memphis Redbirds players rapidly became stars with the St. Louis Cardinals and we watched players whom we saw come up still learning and watched them develop into stars. It made us committed fans of the Memphis Redbirds, Autozone Park and the St. Louis Cardinals.
We already enjoyed professional baseball anyway, but our favorite was the Chicago Cubs. They still are our favorite, but the St. Louis cardinals are also a favorite!. We hadn't been paying a lot of attention to the Memphis Redbirds although we did go to a game occasionally.
One thing I like about writing my thoughts is that it helps me consolidate and tune my thinking on matters, even trivial matters, although I do strongly feel if i don't take care of trivial matters, they can become emergencies! In fact, history indicates this!
Tomorrow at this time I will be a different person, shaped by my new world. While this is always the case, this will be similar to a paradigm change.
See you then.
That's it for now, Tuesday, September 2, 2014
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