73 degrees this morning, 56:09 minutes walked. 3 earthquakes since yesterday morning (4.2, 3.2, 2.6)
Spent day yesterday training in what I will do in my home office. It was interesting and I could see how many of the records wove together with the field work. It involves a lot of paperwork just documenting what you did.
My head cold is almost over, thank goodness. I felt somewhat “under water” yesterday, but generally just felt tired and and generally without a lot of energy. At last I am feeling better.
Hopefully I can get back to bicycle riding soon. Seeing bike riding posts on Facebook reminded me of my “ride with the summer”, which I am still planning on doing, although 2014 and 2015 were possibilities and I doubt that I will be able to do it in 2015. Of course you never know.
I thought of the “ride with the Summer” , starting off in south Texas and “riding with the Summer” to Canada on my bicycle, meaning riding as the warm weather arrives, not literally the June 21 of Summer. In fact by June 21, I would expect to be well done with the “ride with the Summer”. In fact, last Winter when I thought about it, I realized I would need to define how I would define “Summer”. I think it would have to be dependent on the starting point and then just a steady ride north.
I though about it last Spring (or actually as the winter progressed), I decided I had more important aspects to look at. Of course, “if I had known what I know now.” I probably would have gone ahead.
On the other hand, I doubt that I could have gone on the China trip if I had decided on “riding with the summer bike ride and, “knowing what I know”, I never would have missed the trip to China. Things just fell together.
I am still working on the photographs of the China Trip. I enjoy seeing the pictures, they really bring back the memories of the trip.
I hope the “ride with the Summer” has the same impact on my life. I am still saying “when” I do it and not “if” I will do it. I do plan on setting up some goals for me to make the “ride” so I can start progressing towards the actual “Ride with the Summer”.
In regard to my MacBook Air, thus far the screen has not cut out at all. I am keeping it away from magnets and helpfully that is really the problem.
The local paper has not been delivered for five days straight! I am amazed that this could occur. (The Wall Street Journal is delivered with the local paper, so it also was not delivered). I adjusted well, I think. I believe they were doing a major update of their computer system or maybe had a major problem with the carrier in this area, or maybe both. Today I got an e-mail stating that the problem had been resolved.
What is really strange is that Sunday, after I complained about not receiving the Sunday paper, I receive the Saturday edition (of the Sunday paper) and the Sunday New York Times, which I had been advised was not delivered in my area yet! I expect there is a lot more involved in printing a paper every day and delivering it that I realize!
Soon it will be a year since the election in Lakeland, with my realization that my world was going to change. Obviously, it did. I’m not going to say it was “for the best” because it frankly wasn’t. But it did allow me to things such as the China and discover aspects of myself and life I otherwise wouldn’t have know. Perhaps, in ten years I will look at it in perspective and say it was “for the best”, but I really doubt it.
That’s it for today, Tuesday, September 16, 2014.
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