Friday, September 12, 2014

Summer 2014 September 12 Friday (Customer Service?)

63 degrees this morning.  Walk 52:37 minutes (a new record)  Record walk was probably helped  by a light rain and cold weather!  

I have a head cold, so I am surprised I can even walk my morning walk (I don’t seem to get any ill effects from it, much less set a record!

Apple Computer has super products, but their customer service is at the bottom.  My MacBook Air, would have been replaced even by Best Buy by now.  Instead I am continually asked to bring it back, even was asked to spend an hour at home on the phone “reinstalling the OS” (or something like that).  

The computer has been to the shop for the same thing at least 8 times, and has been sent off and “completely rebuilt” twice, as well as held overnight for tests at the local Apple Store.  The last time I picked it up (after it had been out 7 days, instead of the promised 3), I had to wait an hour to pick it up.

The problem is extremely intermittent, and so far has not significantly interfered with the computer operation, but it is annoying for a brand new computer.  The disgusting lack of customer service and failure to back their products make it worst.

In the end, I have to admit it COULD be something in the software (but why haven’t they already checked on this?), and it is a great computer and I couldn’t find a PC that would beat it and the customer service on the PC would be almost as bad.  

I may have to take it to an Apple Computer authorized Agent (if there is one in this area) and ask them to work on the computer while it is still under warranty.

Overall, I have to say I have been very pleased with Apple Computer service, except in a case like this.  Then they seem to develop this feeling that their equipment can’t be so defective.  

Had to cancel my attendance at the 100th International City Manager Association meeting.  Aliene and I are both very disappointed at this, but that’s life.  There are a lot worst things that could happen.  I was really looking foreword to it.

What really upsets me the absolute greed of companies (especially Delta Airlines and Hilton Hotels) when you have to change your plans at the last minute.  It is hard to believe they can stay in business with (again) such poor customer service and lack of concern for their customers.   

Day “in the field” yesterday with another person.  It was interesting and educational.  I like this job better all the time!

I  really hate to make this entry so negative.  Overall, most companies and people want to provide, and do provide, excellent customer service, I think the organization gets in the way.  For example, Delta Airlines personnel are some of the most professional land helpful persons of any organization when dealing on a personnel basis.

However, when the company and it’s procedures are involved…. you get extremely angry!

Apple Computer also has some excellent and very helpful personnel who are absolutely committed to providing excellent customer service and absolute commitment to Apple products.  Again, when the company and procures is involved this seems to all go away.  It seems that backing up their products (even auto dealers provide substitute cars,) would be a priority.;

That’s it for now, Friday, September 12, 2014

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