Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall 2014 September 30 Tuesday (Lost in a Maze)

69 degrees this morning.  55:29  minute walk  Four earthquakes in last 24 hours, 3 within 66 kk and one 89 km (3.6 3.3, 2.7 and 3.2).  Makes you wonder what will happen.

My walk this morning-well, I got so involved in the book (1861, The Civil War Awakening) when Ellsworth because the first death of the Civil War (his killer, the second death) that I missed a turn.  

As I have mentioned, my neighborhood is a maze and I had visions of myself wandering around trying to find my way back until daylight! 

However, from my bike riding I have developed a good knowledge of the neighborhood and I was able to re-orient myself.  I have a horrible problem with getting disoriented as to the direction I am going.

The last quarter of the year 2014 begins tomorrow.  I have ot admits the year has been a lot different than I thought it would be on January 1, 2014 and certainly on September 30 of 2013. 

I expect soon the grass will soon fade and the leaves will turn as winter approaches.  

Haven’t tried “duckduckgo” yet, but I will in the near future!

Tonight I was approached by (what I consider) a very young person who asked about becoming a City Manager.  I became enthused as I expressed the rewards and good parts of being a City Manager.  Perhaps “renewal” includes helping other younger people in their career path.  I am going to contact some people and see if I can help.

I am advancing to another stage in my job, and I am finding I really enjoy it.  It has a lot of different aspects that will take me some time to learn, which makes it all the better.  It is something where it will never become routine!  

Thinking some more of “celebration and renewal” I discussed yesterday, I think both are essential at any stage of your life.  Celebration is a necessary part of life and I expect that most management books now extoll “celebration” of successes and advances.  

“RenewaL” is just a necessary part of life.  Without renewal, I expect we become stagnant and (perhaps) bored or boring.  As I noted, renewal probably includes mentoring younger people and helping them in their careers. 

Of course this also applies to cities, neighborhoods, organizations etc.  You have to have continual renewal to remain relevant to the members and to attract new members.  

While I don’t know if I consciously think of it, I think my goal of “continuous improvement” is a way of continuous self renewal.  I think my walk (which I miss only in the most dire of weather) is a way of reviewing my life, learning something new, and stimulating that brings something new to life.

I equate that with wanting to get the mail each day, it is something exciting and different (or rather at least the potential for something new and different.  

Speaking of renewal, went to my second Toastmasters meeting tonight.  It has a wide variety of members, all interested in self improvement and advancing and expanding their lives.  I think that is what I like about the clubs.  While unusual, I have seen Toastmaster Clubs who have become fossilized and more interested in rules than in growth, same as a trap many organizations (and people) fall into.

I thought a suggestion I lease a car was a good idea, so that is the alternative I am seriously looking at.  The quote I had was reasonable, and it would only tie me up for three years.  Also, it would help out on my taxes.  I think I have found a car to lease, but since the “devil is in the details”, I want to read over the lease.

Reading the lease in detail paid off last summer when we found a house we liked but with a lease which was totally unacceptable including provision for a 10% increase after one year, the requirement that the tenant maintain the fence and other items and pay for any repair under $100. 

That lease was developed by one of the companies which purchase a lot of houses in foreclosure and is renting them out until they hopefully will be able to sell them at a profit.  Their lease was obviously developed by a committee who thought that “profit” was the only reason they were in business, not the provision of providing decent housing at a reasonable price.  

Instead they were going for the maximum profit, without any consideration for the potential tenant or the community.

Thats it for now, Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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