75 degrees this morning, still a little coolness in the air.
Life in the midst of moving boxes. We are currently living in "travel mode" since most of our belongings were packed up yesterday.
The deed is done. We have officially sold our beloved house, with the wonderful patio, and must move by Monday. We "closed" Friday afternoon, with possession until Monday night. The next three days will be a period of goodbyes and final steps. My wi fi continues, unaware it will permanently end on Monday, as with the phone service. Thank goodness we have them over the weekend!
Walk this morning, two Sheriff patrol vehicles drove through. Not sure if I should feel safe or scared! Shelby County does an excellent job of patrolling the city, another aspect of life in Lakeland I will miss.
The Lease for the house we planned to lease arrived, and we realized it contained provisions unacceptable to us so we will be "homeless" as of Monday night with until July 3 to find a home for our belongings. The proposed lease we received contained a provision that the rent increased 10% after one year! and provisions on how we were responsible for all kinds of items most landlords take care of routinely. It was one of those national businesses that bought up a homogenous number of houses in foreclosure and is now renting them out. Nothing wrong with that, but they apparently need to work on their business practices. I can't imagine anyone signing a lease like that.
This morning I realized I had coffee and a coffee maker, but no filters. A quick trip and that matter was settled! I didn't have any coffee yesterday at all, and I was in the mood for some coffee. As I say, coffee is my only vice, and I am going to enjoy it!
Sitting outside on my patio, as I enjoy it for the last few times. I can't imagine being able to get anything like it at another house (I haven't seen anything anyway), so I will enjoy it while I can. I will miss the singing (and some simply noise) of the birds and the occasional deer and the silly antics of the squirrels. Right now, I can even hear a deer, but can't see it.
The much anticipated first day of Summer has arrived, with little fanfare. Of course, there is always that felling in the back of my mind that the days will now start getting shorter with the descent into Winter, although there is a lot of time left in Summer.
I am trying to figure out how to forward mail etc. when I don't know my forwarding address. It sounds kind of suspicious to say "no forwarding address"! Actually, I fully expect to have something within a few days, but it means our priority has become finding a reasonably good house. We really liked the one we had picked out, but many others are comparable or close and we may find something even better.
Today we are saying goodbye to a number of people, tomorrow we take care of some final moving details , getting ready for the Monday move as well as saying some more hard to say goodbyes, Monday we move to who knows where. Interesting times.
But in the final analysis, we are glad the decision has finally been made. Living in the never-never land of now knowing where we were going, and not being able to make any decisions, (in spite of being pleasant with our friends, the house, and the things we love about the Memphis area, which are many) was beginning to get old. We knew we couldn't stay in the house or Lakeland, since we can't stand to see the deterioration of Lakeland into the "no where city" it is rapidly becoming. Sometimes, it is better to remember what was, than what is.
That's it for now, Saturday, June 21, 2014, the first day of Summer.
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