Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Spring 2014 June 3 Tuesday

75 degrees this morning.  Sitting on patio, it actually feels fairly cool.  (The temperature is now 73 degrees).  Still cloudy.
Thinking of Amazon.com again, I have to wonder about a company that will "punish" or inconvenience it's customers in a fight with a vendor.  That is bizarre.  I have always wondered about those creepy e-mails that pretend they know what I want to read/listen to/watch or even buy (they don't).  About my only dealing with Amazon now is through Audible and I'm trying to find another source for audio books.  I may find it is cheaper to just pay full price for the ones I really want.
I have really come to enjoy and appreciate audio books.  Actually, as I have mentioned, it is especially effective to read and listen to the same book in roughly the same time period.  I find I do miss some nuances (and actually some complete points, to my chagrin) on one that I pick up on the other.  I also find I read "e books" much faster and probably miss more of the information than if I read a physical book.  
My bicycle is still making funny noises and I have a feeling I will be taking it in for a major checkup.  The "pedal freezing" was was the result of he chain jumping off and getting into the main gears around the pedal (I'm  not sure what it is called).  I hope it won't happen again, but I know my bike and it is making some noises which don't bode well for the future (at least for the bike).  I like my bike, but would really like to go back to a mountain bike.  Once things settle down for me (as far as a job and location), I probably will buy another bike anyway, although I was thinking of a "electric assist" bike (one you pedal most of the time, but can get some "assistance" on hills.  Dream on, I expect.
i hope to learn to ride in "a group setting", so I am safe to ride with!  i ride by myself almost all the time, and am definitely not used to riding in a group.  I really am aiming at doing some longer bike rides, such as the Ride Across Tennessee/Kansas, Free Wheel Oklahoma etc.  and then do my "ride with the Summer".  
I really wonder where time goes.  I easily worked 80 hours per week on my previous job and then literally went cold turkey to none, and I still don't have time to do a lot of things I would like to do.  I may start keeping track of how I use my time and see if I am wasting any.  I don't sleep more, I get up at the same time, do the same amount of exercise etc.  (I may fudge a little on this and take some extra time.).  Of course, sending our resumes, job hunting, dealing with unemployment, social security issues etc. takes a lot of time and mental effort, but still, I don't have the time to do the "leisure" reading I expected to do.  I have learned a lot about computer programs (especially Evernote, iPhoto, and my MacBook innards) which will help me in the future.  But I still speed read through the morning newspapers, magazines, and novels rather than take the time to enjoy reading them.  I do read too many newspapers, but that is a vice I am going to keep, like coffee.
I think my sleeping habits are finally back to normal.  I got a reply to a "thank you" note I sent to someone in China who was especially nice and helpful and I felt a twinge of "something"  (not sure what), and I thought again about the wonderful time we had in China.  It seems like such a distant memory now and I really don't want to let the memory lapse, even if I never return.  
(Real time now):  They are finally mowing the yard, so I probably will need to go in off of the patio.  Grass and computers don't mix well, even a tough MacBook.  Also, I don't care for grass and dust with my coffee!  
(Now inside);  Sometimes I wonder how the patio affects my thinking versus being inside.  Along with that, in Lakeland I never see the sunrise or sunsets like we did in Kansas or Oklahoma (unless we get near the Mississippi River or away from the hills and trees).  One thing I miss about Oklahoma and Kansas are the sunsets.  Actually, I don't "miss" them, until I am in Oklahoma or Kansas and see one of the beautiful sunsets, then I realize how much I miss them.  Kind of like the wind, when I get out of the car in Oklahoma and feel the wind, I remember something I DON"T miss about Oklahoma or Kansas, the persistent, continuous wind!  
Fairly busy day today, some "busy" items this morning, lunch with a friend, Apple Store appointment.  Working on iPhoto. It may be an endless task.  I do a little everyday, right now I'm just trying to "weed" out duplicates, and pictures that just aren't that good, which is a lot of them!  
That's it for today, Tuesday, June 3, 2014

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