Saturday, June 07, 2014

Spring 2014 June 7 Saturday

70 degrees this morning.  Chance of rain   
17th Wedding Anniversary today, time goes fast!  It has been a great 17 years, I just wish time didn't so so fast!  A lot of changes, both in us and in our families and others.   This is a Saturday, and we got married on a Saturday.   Certainly, when we got married, we could never have fore case the changes which would occur just in the next 17 years!
Job interview laster  today (at the time this is written, it may be over by the time it is posted).  I don't feel all that prepared for it, although it is difficult to really prepare.  If nothing else, it will be a a good experience for me.  I have a very difficult time realizing I haven't worked for six months.  
(Later, Saturday afternoon):  Completed interview. Seemed to go ok, you never know.  In this case, there  was an "interim" in the position who applied for the permanent  position, bo I'm not getting my hopes up.  It was good experience anyway.
Attending the CMT Fest (Country Music Festival).  It is always fun.  It has gotten so popular it may be a victim of it's own success, but overall they do a good job of organizing and running it, with a few breakdowns here and there.  It is the "unexpected" events about it I like, such as today, there was a "Diva concert"  (complete with local "Diva Jam", a fig jam) at a restaurant we just dropped in on.  In this case an established female singer (Jamie O'Neill) was sponsoring some younger girls (including her 10 year old daughter) in a concert.  It was really nice and a nice experience, including the Diva Jam, which I normally would not eat.   We walked around, until we (well, I) got stuffed with free sausage, free pizza, free ice cream etc.!)  The nightly concerts are great, and including the biggest stars.  It is good to get away but it is always good to get home!
That's it for today, Saturday, June 7, 2014, our 17th Wedding Anniversary.  

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