73 degrees this morning. Some rain last night, cloudy this morning.
Bicycle pedals were locked up, so I had to drive to the gym (I thought about walking but it would take too much time). I found the bicycle pedals locked up because the chain came off and jammed into the chain mechanism. It will take more skill than I have to get it out. Apparently the chain was not replaced right after the new tires were installed. (GRRRR!) If they try to charge me for this, I am switching bicycle shops. I realize mistakes happen, but there is nothing worse than incompetence, and I don't know which this is yet.
Relatively busy day today (including taking my bicycle in to the bicycle shop), several phone call meetings, preparing for the interview, keeping getting ready to move. Thus far, I have basically continued "working" full-time only on other projects. I have been able to learn some computer programs, which will help make me more productive when I start working again. I also have explored some new management techniques etc. that I didn't have had time to explore fully while I was working.
One of the most frustrating parts have been dealing with government. I finally decided to apply for unemployment. Guess what? You have to apply by phone or on-line. They never (literally never) answer their phone and only answer their e-mail (if every) after about two weeks. I first applied about 4 months ago, and everything is still up in the air, with the Tennessee Department of Labor raising issues on minor items and then it is weeks before I can finally get someone to e-mail me back. They basically appear to consider everyone applying for unemployment to be a crook and probably working another job while applying for unemployment. (It is a major job just dealing with them.) I have never seen a more unresponsive agency, but I blame the state government for not providing adequate funds for them to do their job. I really wonder how someone that is jobless can maintain an internet connection? (I'm sure they will point out go to libraries, but it takes a car etc. to do that). I can't really complain, I have it a lot better than most, and I may not even qualify for unemployment, but if I do, and am otherwise eligible, I should be able to get it without undue hassles. I certainly am looking for work.
Job hunt continues to be frustrating, more for the non-responsiveness and hassles than anything else. "On-line" applications (with some exceptions) are a major barrier to applying and most don't even give you an e-mail response that they get your application. The on-line application process is so bug-ridden and full of hassles that I give up about 50% of the time on on-line applications. The good ones are a joy to work with. Any company/organization with an on-line application process should require their personnel (especially the hiring and policy making officials) to apply on line and see exactly what they are doing to future prospective employees and if they and actually complete the application process. Enough of that, but I really question the fairness of on-line applications and organizations like the Tennessee Department of Labor that have "only" on-line/phone applications and then never answer their e-mail or phones. What do people without internet connections or cars do?
June 2, means it is 19 days until official Summer, although that also means the days start getting shorter again. I am sitting on my patio this morning, it is a little cloudy but it is nice. I decided I like the "music" of the birds and the wind in the forest, so I don't have my music on. Good to have coffee on a the patio again, although the tea is nice also.
I expect to be a pivotable month as far as a my career and location go. We will see.
Starting to rain again, have to leave the patio.
The "Bully Pulpit" has been informative and interesting. I didn't realize that Kansas was one of the major fights with Standard Oil in the early 1900's and the battle with the "Trusts". I have found that both reading it and listening to it helps me understand it and also I catch some areas I missed. The good thing about audio books are you can listen to them while doing other activities (especially walking and driving etc.). They bad thing is, they take a lot of time!
That's it for Monday, June 2, 2014.
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