Tuesday, December 03, 2019

2019 Fall December 3 Tuesday


44  Degrees this morning, 56% humidity 

Generally excellent weather yesterday.  Started off cold (31 degrees), then warmed up with no wind.

My “field day” at work  today went fine.  A little concerned it would start me coughing again, but it was fine.  

The hoopla over “Black Friday," “Cyber Monday," , etc., is finally over, thank goodness.  While here was certainly some good deals, I was able to mostly resist.  As I noted about the iPad, since I didn’t really need a new iPad, it didn’t make much sense to buy one, even if it was a “good deal”.  

I have been looking for  a wallet, and I finally tried one of the new “minimalist” “card case”.  It took me about 15 seconds to decide to return it.  There was no way I was going through all of that just to have a wallet.  It was a hassle to set up and it would have been a hassle to use.  

It was easy to return, however they immediately sent me a second one that I now have return.  I wonder if it is a game until you slip up and don’t return one or just get tired of returning them?

As I have mentioned, I seem to have little talents for mechanical operations.  Lots of times if I take my time I can figure it out, but why spend the time?  I did find that I could do better if I followed the instructions strictly (assuming the instructions are written clearly, which is definitely not always the case).

I  took a Technical Writing coarse “writing instructions” several years ago. (Actually over 22 years ago, how the time does fly!)  I enjoy writing so that is one reason I took it.  I was amazed at how much was involved in writing technical instructions.  

I can understand why so many instructions aren’t written well, first of all the person writing the instructions needs to understand what the instructions should be.

The Christmas Season has officially started.   Aliene has changed the decorations to the Christmas season.   It is assisted a little by “smart plugs," which allow verbal operation of some of the lights , etc.  

The city we live in provides “free” bus transportation.  This apparently is actually cheaper than charging fares, and is not unusual   I was amazed  recently read on “Next Door” some of the comments on this from people who apparently forget about the “free” roads we all have.  

While I don’t use public transportation at this time, myself, I sure like the idea of it being available if I ever get to the point I can’t drive , etc.   

In this city it is especially important, since it serves college students, staff , etc., and provides a means for persons to take classes, shop and get too far flung employment.  

Years ago, when I worked in Denver for the summer, I realized how important public transportation was.  

Public transportation is an excellent economic development tool, since it provides a means for people to get to their job , etc.  I won’t get into detail, except I am starting to research public transportation since  I want to be able to support the continuation of the program here.   

That’s it for now, Tuesday, December 3, 2019. 


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